pain in my right side


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Hi guys,

had a mild pain in my right side for the last few days but nothing to bad. It kind of went away 2 days ago but this morning I had to stay half bended because the pain is back and stronger. I know a lot of bits are stretching at the moment to accomodate "Bumpy" but I find it a little bit strange that it's only on one side. I'm just scared it might have something to do with the position of the placenta or something else. Everything was fine on the 12 weeks scan but still waiting for the 20 week one.

Has anyone had the same kind of pain, do you think it might be good to have it checked ?? Or am I just having first baby paranoia ??

oh forgot to say, I have no bleeding at all.

thank you and sorry if there are any spelling mistake, my first language is french and I am still learning my english writing :)
I get nasty pains in my left side quite a bit. It seems to be worse either when i need the loo and have to strain :oops: or sitting in certain positions etc.
Try not too worry, it could be any number of normal things.It is most likley your ligaments stretching. Or you may have pulled a muscle. When you are preg your body releases the hormone 'relaxin' which helps relax your muscles so your belly can stretch to accomaodate your baby. So it is easy to pull a muscle.

It could also be the way your baby is laying. he could just be putting pressure on a nerve.

If you are really worried i'd go see your midwife so she can reassure you.

But i expect everything is fine.


Thanks for your help. Went for a bit of a walk today and feel a lot better so I think everything is fine with me and bumpy. :D

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