Pain in my MOO! UPDATE!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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I dont think i had pain like this in my early pregnancy with my daughter but its constant shooting in my moo :shock: by bum is achey too! sorry if tmi but not for needing the loo just achey :roll:
Im also having cramps but only in my very lower tummy sort of underneath it iykwim?

Is this normal?

thought since it was my second pregnancy i would sort of know the feelings to expect but pretty sure i never had this.
I maybe should mention i have worked pretty hard tidying and cleaning my house today and moving furniture to hoover where they were so not sure if i have maybe done too much? :oooo:

any advice would be appreciated, thanks xxx
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I've had it to hun even thought it was a urine infec or something. be careful doing to much. My doc seemed to think it was pulled muscles etc. xx
My Hubby shouted when he realised i had moved the snuggle chair, if i didnt know better i would think i was in my nesting stage i even cleaned the hoover :shock: I had nothing like this with Ava-Mai but think im just getting prepared extra early since i already have little legs :)

Im seeing my GP on Tuesday to tell her im pregnant so will let her know if it persists i think, if its nothing major and only muscle then i wont worry too much :)
I totally have the nesting bug too. I never had it with my son I was totally disorganised but 13 years on I am now cleaning and chucking stuff out and making room for babes. I do too much in the day and then feel like rubbish at night. x
I had this quite often in early pregnancy, and in fact it still happens sometimes to me now x
My friend had this and she said it really hurt :(
If you have a pulled muscle try alternating warm and cold flannels on it, warm doesn't always work if the muscle is inflamed so you need cold.
And stop moving bloomin furniture lol that's why God invented men! I have the nesting instinct but am also having the can't-be-arsed instinct too xxxxxxxxxxx
someone told me it could be your uterus stretching and growing with the baby, i had it when i was about 8 weeks, try not to worry but if it does persist then speak to doctor! good luck hun xx
I've been suffering with period type pains since last night & have been told it's all the stretching & changes taking place xx
its not like AF cramps its shooting pains they have eased off loads today though so im guessing it was a muscle from moving the furniture :roll:
I am however still getting the shooting pains downwards in my floof, but like the others they have calmed down so im guessing that may have been my body adjusting a little for the wee one?? :)
Glad to hear it's eased off a bit hun. Take it easy xx
My GP is suspecting an ectopic pregnancy :shock: She said i am only 5 weeks if it is the pain wont really hit until next week so we just have to wait as a scan wont how anything until i am 6 weeks anyway!

She says my pregnancy tests are still showing BFP and i have no infection what so ever!

She also said if the pain gets bad at any time to go to A&E straight away to get checked there as there not much she can do right now!?
I had really bad pain in my hips last night but of couse because i am so early on in my pregnancy i have to say i dont have a clue what is related and what isnt!

i have been referred to the hospital as i am HIGH RISK due to medical history so will not be seeing a midwife before my 12 weeks check but will have to go straight to a consultant again :roll:

feeling slightly deflated today and OH is forcing me to take things easy until we know one way or another, on the positive side she said it could always be weird pregnancy sysmptoms and the growing pais which normally feel like AF so clinging on to that for now.

sorry if i have rambled on but just wanted to update!
Katie xxx
I really hope it's not an ectopic, if you are worried ignore your doctor and go to the hospital and get checked out. xx
They CAN check if its ectopic or not!! I know this because my MW thought i might be having an ectopic and they got me straight in for blood test and got me a scan thaat day. They tried a normal scan but as im only 5wks they could only see the sac so i had an internal scan which showed the sac and yolk inside the right place. I have to go back in 12 days to have another scan where they should see a heartbeat if all is well. So i would def call your hospital and see what they say. Even if they couldnt see anything my doctor told me they could take some bloods and then they take some more a few days later and compare and that its very clear if its an ectopic so there is something that can be done. I wouldnt wait it out its not worth the risk imo. x
Oh I will keep my FX for you hun I do hope everything works out ok xxx
Everything crossed it's all ok and not ectopic xxxxxxxxxx
They CAN check if its ectopic or not!! I know this because my MW thought i might be having an ectopic and they got me straight in for blood test and got me a scan thaat day. They tried a normal scan but as im only 5wks they could only see the sac so i had an internal scan which showed the sac and yolk inside the right place. I have to go back in 12 days to have another scan where they should see a heartbeat if all is well. So i would def call your hospital and see what they say. Even if they couldnt see anything my doctor told me they could take some bloods and then they take some more a few days later and compare and that its very clear if its an ectopic so there is something that can be done. I wouldnt wait it out its not worth the risk imo. x

Thats a real relief to know, i was going to just go up there next week anyway with my mum and hubby as i couldnt just wait for pain to start and if it never i will now be worried until i have something checked out!

I think unless the pain gets too unbearable over the weekend i will wait until monday then hone or go up there as even if im not having an ectopic pregnancy this worry will do me no good or my little bean im sure!

Thank you for the replies and will keep everyone updated!

Katie xxx

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