Smoked salmon and sushi are fine - see below from FSA
It'8s fine to eat sushi, and other dishes made with raw fish, when you're pregnant as long as the fish used to make it has been frozen first. This is because occasionally fish contains small worms called parasites, which could make you ill. Freezing kills the worms and makes raw fish safe to eat.
Sushi sold in shops or restaurants, whether it's ready-made or made in the shop, should be fine to eat. This is because the raw fish the shop uses to make sushi must have been frozen at minus 20°C for at least 24 hours.
If you make your own sushi at home, freeze the fish for at least 24 hours before using it.
Some raw fish used to make sushi, such as smoked salmon, doesn't need to be frozen before it's used. This is because smoking kills any worms in the fish. Other methods, such as salting or pickling, are also used to make raw foods safe to eat.