Owen David Darcy - 15th April 2008 7lb 8oz *long*


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Jun 18, 2007
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Well I started to get a thicker discharge over the weekend, and went into work on Monday 14th and started to get non-painful BH (I thought they were BH)! Left to pick up my girls from school and the pains got worse, coming every 10 mins or so and lasting for about 20 seconds.

I got home and called the maternity unit as baby hadn’t moved very much over the previous 48 hours, so they asked me to go in. I picked my OH from work and went in and was hooked up to the monitor. It showed that baby was doing just fine and that I WAS having contractions!!! The midwife checked me over and found that I was 3cm dilated and she gave me a sweep at the same time. She wasn’t overly concerned as this was my third baby and it could still be days before anything happens!!!

So we get home and I do dinner for the girls and OH, still getting pains. I went and had a bath and they STOPPED. Sat and watched tv with OH until about 11pm when we went to bed, I got 2 hours sleep and woke to go to the toilet, went back to bed and was woken by a pain so got up and went for a walk, sat downstairs for a bit then hit the sac again. Got comfy and then felt the baby move then felt and heard a POP as my waters broke all over the bed!!!

The feeling was very bizarre as I never had that with my girls, I just led there and woke my OH who jumped up and put his dressing gown on, I had to get him to help me off the bed, went to the toilet just as a bigger pain happened. Thought I’d have another walk and went downstairs, and more of my waters went all over the kitchen floor!!! OH had to clean it up!!

Called midwife as I was booked in to have a home birth – she came out within half an hour (at 330am). Then called my aunt, SIL and OH dad and stepmum. Everything was going well and we were having a laugh because the waters just kept going every time I had a contraction, pain was ok and I managed with just breathing through them. Had another examination and was only 5cm, baby kept wriggling about and kicking me in the ribs, he just didn’t want to move down. This carried on until 730am when I got to 7cm and the pain got a whole lot worse, so I asked for some gas and air as the contractions were back to back.

Around 815am my midwife who I had seen through out my pregnancy came out and she said it was time to get the baby out so started pushing about 835am and he was born at 856am Tuesday morning weighing 7lb 8oz, oddly though his body hurt more than his head and he started screaming before he was all out!!!!

Then tried to deliver the placenta and it wouldn’t budge!!! After an hour they had to call an ambulance and I was transferred to hospital, not very nice being taken outside on a chair with the cord still with the huge clamp on!! At hospital they put a drip in me to get the contractions started again and tried to pull it out. They tried twice during that hour but it still wouldn’t move, so I had to have a spinal block and the doctor manually removed it which took half an hour! I had to spend the night in hospital which is such a shame as everything else went to well at home.

Sorry this ended up really long!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and the pics are big cos photobucket is playing up!!!


Awwww he is so cute!!!

Love the photo of him with your little girls as well!

So can I now assume as YOUR birthday is 10 days before mine that your little baby's birth will be 10 days before mine? Hope so, that means I give birth on Friday :cheer:

Thanks for posting the birth story hun :hug:
He is soooooo cute, i could eat him.....lol.
Bet the girls love him to pieces.
Wow he is so cute! I love the pic of him and the girls!

What a great birth story :dance: Shame you had to go to hospital at the end though.
Owen's georgous and his big sisters look pleased with him :D
Aw hes gorgeous, love the colourful blanket/chair type thing hes laid on.

Congratulations :cheer:
Oh wow he is so cute and he looks like he is going to have alot of cuddles with his big sisters. How much did he weigh?
:cheer: He's lovely.

Sorry you had to go to hospital but I'm glad everything is ok :hug:
congratulations :D

What a gorgeouls little family you hav there :D
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug:

Eveadel said:
Oh wow he is so cute and he looks like he is going to have alot of cuddles with his big sisters. How much did he weigh?

He was 7lb 8oz and has put on 3oz in 6 days already
He's lovely babes.

Well done and congrats. xxx

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