Ow. Ow ow. Ow ow ow!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Had a dentist appt yesterday that should have taken 40 minutes (fillings) but took an hour and a half! I have never had a filling before and I just wanted to say OWWWWWWW!! The anaesthetic injection hurt, then I had the wonderful painfree 2-3 hours after he'd finished (weirdest sensation ever only being able to feel half your face!). Then the anaesthetic wore off and OMG it hurt! It felt like the worst toothache ever multiplied by 10! I had loads of phone calls to make too and after I'd finished I looked at OH and he got up and ran me a bath! He'd brought home pizza hut for dinner and I couldn't eat it!!! Grrrr. Anyway I fell asleep at 8.30!!!! And woke up this morning in agony. It's not my teeth, it's my Tongue from where he obviously was pressing it down to see what he's doing and my jaw from holding my mouth open for an hour and a half!!!!!! I'm hungry but don't wanna eat! It hurts just yawning! The one good thing was all through my appt I was being kicked by Seb! It was very comforting!
my dentist wont do anything cause im preggy keeps putting this tempary filling stuff in and it falls out after a week lols so after baby here im gona a few hours of work to be done i hate dentists:( feeling your pain hun xx
Ouch! I didn't think they gave injections for fillings? :eh:

Really hope the pain eases soon Hun, not eating would kill me lol
Eek hope the pain eases up for you soon x

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