
cd 10 of 28 day cycle for me :) so i have a long luteul phase.

its suppsoed to be around 14 days before youre due on.
When ever my body feels like it :( I'm charting at the moment to see if I can pinpoint mine, but charted before and it's never shown up, plus my cycles lengths are always different :x
Everyone is different, and I think it can vary from cycle to cycle too. I never bothered with charts or temping, but the month I got pg I think I ov'd on day 13 or 14 of a 30/31 day cycle.
My last cycle was 32 days long and I OV'd on days 16 & 17 according to the kits. My cycle's all over the place tho so it's difficult to tell hence the constant POAS from days 10 onwards!!
Same Hannah, my cycles are normally between 32 to 37 days and I've been poas everyday to try and pin point it. (no luck yet tho)
I wish someone can answer that question for me!! I usually rely on my body signs (cervical mucus, pain in my lower back and breasts ) around day 14 to 16 but can never tell for sure! I am terrible at charting so took cheap ovulation tests this month but they got really confusing results around the time I was supposed to ovulate. I am on day 20 of my cycle and thought ovulation was over but i am getting some serious period like cramps in my tummy and pain in my back which could also be symptoms of ovulation from what i read!!
I was one of the lucky ones who had a 28/29 day cycle and ovulated CD14 or 15 :wink:
:rotfl: :rotfl: thanks girls - i'm more confused than I was before :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think what i'll have to do is forget that and just have to drag OH to bed every single night and surely we wil get lucky :lol:

One book I'm reading suggests having sex every other night during your cycle!! Yeah, rightho!
do'ya think it makes a difference. I can't see what harm having sex every night will do? :think: i suppose it gives the little swimmers chance to recover :lol:
Have sex every 2 or 3 days thoughout cycle and then every day over your fertile period hun. Are your cycles regular? Maybe try OPKs or charting to calculate ovulation :hug:
I don't really want to chart TBH, i'd probably become a bit obsessive over it. :lol:
Yeah I didnt chart either, didnt understand it all :?
im glad im not the only one who gets confused with all of this!!!
I have used a ovulation calendar in the past when trying for Immy, and worked! Not difficult either i found, just had to put a few details in and that was that. Have done the same again and go by CM etc and my ticker - one of thems got to get it right?!
According to my calendar i should be oving today, or start of anyway but i used a ov stick this morn and again when i got back home at 18-00 and got a neg both times so now im not sure whether i am or not :( Bding everyday so got a chance but would like to know that i am! Been feeling waves of nausea the past 2 days dunno if thats a symptom of oving, af isnt due for another 2weeks so can rule of pregnancy :(

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