Ovulation Question


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Ok, i know i have been ttc for about 10 months now, but this ovulation thing still confuses me! (i know i'm thick :oops: ).

Ok,i think i'm ovulating this week. I have had lots of egg white cm the past few days. I had sooo much of it Tueday & yesterday so i have been bd'cing with DH :wink:

I think i had a bit more cm this morning but not as much as yesterday. Do you think i have bd'ed enough, or am i doing it too early?
Not sure if DH can take another session :lol: :oops:
If he has had enough & cant go no more i would say you tried this month

Do you ever use the ovulation sticks?
You've probably done enough - give the poor bloke a break :rotfl:
mum2be? said:
If he has had enough & cant go no more i would say you tried this month

Do you ever use the ovulation sticks?

No, i have thought about using ovulation sticks. might get some next month. I don't chart either - it's all so confusing!
libs said:
You've probably done enough - give the poor bloke a break :rotfl:

:rotfl: I know, he has flatly refused to do it again tonight!
Bexter said:
mum2be? said:
If he has had enough & cant go no more i would say you tried this month

Do you ever use the ovulation sticks?

No, i have thought about using ovulation sticks. might get some next month. I don't chart either - it's all so confusing!

I used the clearblue fertility monitor ovualtion stick without the monior as i just read the sticks as they sticks are different to the ovulation as they detect 2 types of hormones i not 100% of what thou

This is why i am PG now i think
I personally never found ov tests very helpful and didnt get a positive reading on one the month i got pregnant... or any other month thinking about it lol.

Everyones different though, worth giving them a shot. Charting is great for learning about your body and also knowing whats happening in your cycle.
best just to practice!, :lol: the internet ones maybe just as good as the sticks!

Do you guys now any oldwives tails how to makes sure its a girl? Like sitting with your legs up in the air! (Didn't work last time, I got a boy, but I got pregnant that month! and I didn't care if it was a boy or girl! Don't care now really, just the're are some funny ones!)
bobtheunfortunateone said:
best just to practice!, :lol: the internet ones maybe just as good as the sticks!

Do you guys now any oldwives tails how to makes sure its a girl? Like sitting with your legs up in the air! (Didn't work last time, I got a boy, but I got pregnant that month! and I didn't care if it was a boy or girl! Don't care now really, just the're are some funny ones!)

You are surpose to Babydance a few days before ovulation?

:hug: :hug:
I dance you say? :dance:
I will try that! Any sort of dance? Hip Hop, Waltz, Not the Blues if I want a girl! I will try it after, just to mix them up![/quote]

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