CM - I'm so daft!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Im stupid.. You know the way you guys say your ovulating when you have egg white cm? I didn't realise you meant RAW egg whites!! :oops:
:lol: i did'nt know that at first either untill i started reading up on things :lol:
easy mistake to make :hug:

where you waiting for like white with the texture of rubber? :rotfl:

(sorry! x)
HollyHobby said:
easy mistake to make :hug:

where you waiting for like white with the texture of rubber? :rotfl:

(sorry! x)

:rotfl: I dunno i just thought i should have white cm but the only way i got that was by hoking for it... sorry tmi lol
:hug: what you like? i was absolutely clueless about my body before ttc first time around, its amazing waht you learn and what tips you get along the way!! :cheer:
rusks said:
:hug: what you like? i was absolutely clueless about my body before ttc first time around, its amazing waht you learn and what tips you get along the way!! :cheer:

exactly I would know practically nothing about ttc if it wasn't for this forum - apart from the obvious bit lol :hug: The more you learn the fascinating it gets and it feels very feminine to all go through the same things each month together!
Yep we're all Godesses talking about our personal secretions (group hugs :cry: :cry: )

Tbh I always used to wash all that stuff away before doing the bizz but if you are ttc you just go with a mucky one is what i say :rotfl:

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