ovulation signs!


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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can any1 tell me signs of ovulation.. my LMP was 4th october so theoretically im due to ovulate today, i have cramping this morning and last night, and my cm is thick, egg white coloured and very stringy..wen wud i be most likley to convieve if this is the case ..tmi sorry lol

and input or advice wud be great

thanx and good luck to all who r TTC
Go for it! The basic rule of thumb is when you have wet, creamy/lotion type CM your in your fertile phase.

When you have the CM that you have described, you are in your very fertile phase. You can ovulate any time now, perhaps get some OV sticks if you want to be doubly sure but if I was you I would BD as much as possible over the next few days. :D
As Bagpuss says.. GO FOR IT NOW!!

In my book any CM that is visible and clear / stretchy is ripe time so get BD'ing girlie!!!!!!

When I ovulate I go dry immediately and my Temp flies up so if you don't have sticks then just be aware of the other signs.
In the meantime don't waste valuable time on here.. go find your bloke!!

have fun :wink: :wink: :wink:
Hi Sarah

Have you watched these videos that Laura found??


They are very informative, especially both the egg and sperm journey when you are ttc.

Listening and watching these, it sounds like you should really BD a couple of days before ovulation. That way the sperm is waiting around for the egg. Remember, sperm can survive for days, the egg will only survive for a few hours so you need those little fishes ready and waiting!!

Good luck!


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