

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I have just come back from the retail park and I am completely overwhelmed.

We have been in to mamas & papas several times browsing for things but today it was just too much.

I haven't bought as much as a baby grow for my nugget and the scale of everything we need to get and that we'll have a baby soon just hit me. I was almost floored by it infact.

I was looking at a pram and said to OH I need to get out of the shop. I suddenly imagined that in 4 months time I will be pushing a pram with my own little baby in and it has absolutely terrified me.

I think I have my head in the sand about everything. It's not a pleasant place to be either.

I feel almost paralysed by it all. It's hard to describe. The more I think about everything we need to get, the less I want to go and and buy something. It is swallowing me up!
I have also been somewhat in denial about things. For me it's because I'm scared to imagine everything will be OK and that my LO will be born perfect. Life doesn't normally go that well for me. I much prefer to live in some relaxed cuckoo land for now although I am fighting the nesting instinct to sort out a nursery. Having a baby is a big deal, well it is for little PCOS me. I'm right there with you. Bite size chunks I think, small steps, large strides. Big hugs xxxx
Aw hun I know the feeling, we went baby shopping the other day, and there was this very cute baby grow. My oh placed it in my arms like a real baby and said imagine in 5 months our baby will be in that. Omg how weird! Totally freaked me out! There is just so much to get! Iv been looking at prams but everyone is saying I'm to early to buy stuff? At 16 weeks but I don't want to leave it last minute. Do you have people buying things for you? Or maybe if u look online so your not in that enviroment? I'm very lucky I'm getting so much given to me and bought for me. Just hard to find the space lol xxx
I have practically all of the big stuff being bought for me so it's not a money thing as such. It's just the enormity of everything I think :(
Yeah when u actually sit down and think of everything u need it is like wow! We've made a big list, then we tick it off when people get us something, then everytime we go in town or to a supermarket we try and get another item ticked off. That way you don't forget anything, and your not getting it all at once :) x
A list is a good idea minxies.

I just don't know where to start!
awww hun, i havnt got anything at all yet. OH said we may aswell wait until after xmas. We will have 3 month to buy everything so no pressure ha xxx
Tor I'm with you. Keep looking at baby stuff but for some reason just can't seem to buy anything. Have no idea what stops me but I just can't do it

Hoping after scan tomorrow I'll get y arse in gear and start getting some bits.

My friend have me a good list that her sister gave her as to number of things to buy. Can forward it on of you like? Xx
awww hun i wouldnt worry i bought some of my own stuff and had majority of it bought for me (excellent having an aunty that owns a baby shop! :D) i just bought something when i went shopping every week and the list gradually got shorter! good luck hun xx
Aw hun I know the feeling, we went baby shopping the other day, and there was this very cute baby grow. My oh placed it in my arms like a real baby and said imagine in 5 months our baby will be in that. Omg how weird! Totally freaked me out! There is just so much to get! Iv been looking at prams but everyone is saying I'm to early to buy stuff? At 16 weeks but I don't want to leave it last minute. Do you have people buying things for you? Or maybe if u look online so your not in that enviroment? I'm very lucky I'm getting so much given to me and bought for me. Just hard to find the space lol xxx

I think this is a good idea buy things off the internet then you dont have to be in that environment. x
Yeah I think omg the baby will be here in like 4 months. I'm just afraid I'll have no money to buy things as the rent rates have gone down so much as I don't work due to disability and don't qualify for disability premium. I will be only getting single room rate for a £450 pcm flat and even using my dla for now will only leave me with my income support left which isn't a lot to get baby stuff with. I hear you can get surestart grant for first child, which I'm really hoping they still do as money is really tight right now and I'm trying to move to a more suitable place due to my flat being inappropriate for a baby. It's on the first floor but it's one bedroom and expecting a boy we'll need two bedrooms in a year or so. It's electric storage heaters cost a bomb to run, I have a mini heater but the place still gets very damp if they're left off for a while.
I'm the same. I thought I'd love shopping for LO but I go into Boots or Mothercare, have a panic attack, and then leave. I have decided to break it down into months and items for that month so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. When Asda have a baby week I'll concentrate on wipes, nappies and changing stuff. I'm going to have a feeding month where I look at sterilisers/bottles/dummies etc etc and then a moving month where we do pram/car seat etc etc.

Some stuff will just crop up in the sale at different times I'm sure but this way I feel less panicked about it all and it seems to be in easier chunks. I'm trying to have a nursery and bedding month at the mo which is going quite well. I'm a bugger for leaving everything to the last minute (essays, holiday packing etc) but I get the feeling that won't cut it with a LO!! I'm also taking an experienced mummy friend with me to help cut out what I do or don't need - I'm likely to buy it all in a frenzy then not need any of it!!
Tor I'm with you. Keep looking at baby stuff but for some reason just can't seem to buy anything. Have no idea what stops me but I just can't do it

Hoping after scan tomorrow I'll get y arse in gear and start getting some bits.

My friend have me a good list that her sister gave her as to number of things to buy. Can forward it on of you like? Xx

Thank you hun, that would be really kind of you!
I had a total freak out yesterday, we were painting the nursery and all of a sudden i felt like ohhhh crap in just over 3 months, theres going to be a baby in this room. I got all teary and needed to leave the room for a while was the strangest feeling ever, I was thinking god my life is going to completely change, MY OH thought id gone bonkers but im ok now but definately had a moment! Think its perfectly normal! XX
I know how you feel hun :hugs: ive not bought a single thing yet either! waiting till after christmas now and family are buying most of the big things, i'm also getting alot of things from SIL and she keeps asking if she can go up to her loft and bring all the baby things down, i keep saying no, too scary just yet :) xxx
I know what you mean. I hope you're ok now! Maybe internet shopping is the way forward (says she who hasn't bought anything yet...! ha ha!)

beckyboo1 - if you've got a good list floating around, would you mind sending me a copy? I've googled and keep coming up with loads of different stuff! As minxies said above, getting bits and pieces each week/month might be a good way for me to get started.

Will do ladies will do from work o
Tomorrow as struggling to do it from phone xx

There is another massive list put together by one of the girls on here. Can't remember who but it's got everything on. Will try and send both xx
kezza's monster list

basic list as far as my memory serves me:
babygrows in newborn and 0-3 estimating 10 of each max
vests same as above
cardis/jumpers as above
nappies first 2 sizes 2 to 4 boxes of each
bottles 6 of
breast pump
sterilising fluid (if needed)
formula (if needed)
muslins 10 of max
blankets 5 of
cot bedding/bumper/etc
moses basket + bedding (mattress and sheets)
travel system/pram/car seat
toiletries for baby
changing mat
bibs 10 of
hats 6 of
scratch mitts 6 pairs of
booties (if wanted)
changing bag
teething rings x2
baby bath
gro bag/snow suit if wanted
dummies if wanted
bouncer chair

anything else escapes my mind right now but i think thats the basics to see you thru the first week or so

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