

Nov 26, 2006
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Hello peeps!

Well I am 40+2 today (despite my best efforts I cant seem to get an avatar to display!) and think something may be starting to happen.

Have been awake since 7 this morning with very mild tightenings quite regularly. No show or waters breaking though, bit of back ache. Pleeeeeease let this be it! :pray:

Sounds like it could be, thats how labour went for my second child, my waters wouldnt break the hospital broke them.

Good luck x
Oh how exciting. I hope as you haven't posted again it means your baby is either on it's way or been born. :clap: :dance:
Not really - the contractions went away for a few hours but have come back a bit stronger and closer together since 7 o'clockish. Just trying not to get excited as they may go away again - its so frustrating!!! Is it normal for them to come and go like this? God knows, just have to wait and see x
yeah that normal mine went away then came back and i wished they would go away!!!!! good luck
Oh no what a shame. When I was in labour the midwife told me to have a bath as it would bring them on faster but they stopped so stay smelly! :lol:
I'm still here boo hoo.

Still getting contractions but they are not regular any more, sooooooooooo fed up its untrue.
i was like that hun, i was in slow labour and at one point my contractions went nearly completely but i went into hospital later that night so i think i cud be it:)
Well I give up hope. The contractions are not regular at all now. I am 40+3 today, swollen face and ankles, waddling around like a big fat thing, not able to get comfy at all, fed up to the back teeth of waiting with no choice but to wait!!!! Oh well it has to happen at some point.

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