

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Well, I can't believe she's past her due date. I've even had 4 membrane sweeps and still nothing. As of Friday I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. I lost my mucous plug the next day. My induction date is set for Wednesday at 8pm. I can't wait!!!
she really wants to stay inside doesnt she lol, good luck for wed if you dont go before x
I was thinking about you the other day, whether you have had baby or not as I haven't seen you post much recently so I thought you must be busy with baby!

Hope everything goes well! Let us all know!

Sarah x
Wow I hope she comes soon, she certainly seems very comfy up there!!

Good luck :D
hi amber you must be sooooo frustrated at just wanting to hold your little girl!! she must be very cosy in there!!!!

good luck with everything

steph x

I was wondering where you were. I thought you must have had her. Good luck with your induction!


I wondered how you were doing- good luck for Wednesday :) :)

Good luck hunnie! Get lots of sleep during the day!! 8pm - long time to wait eh!

Looking forward to the new arrival xx
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited for Wednesday and cannot wait to meet her.....finally! :D
Rosmarry tea drink some, it is not recomended during pregnancy because it can start early labour, but a freind of mine was overdue and we all really wanted her to have the baby cos we wanted to go out and clebrate with her her birthday and get her nice and drunk (hehe aint we horrible friends) ne way i went and bought her some rosmarry tea left her to it, and guess who went in to labour a few ours later, yep, and now she got a beautiful baby girl.

bec x x
I was thinking about you, wondering how you were doing. You must have your baby with you by now, hope everything has gone ok. Let us know how it did once you recovered a bit and good luck!!!!
Can't wait to hear how you have got on sweetie - I should imagine you have had the little one by now - hoping you are both doing well.

Hope all is well, You must be so excited to finally meet your daughter!!! Good Luck!!!! :)

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