overdue/midwife check ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Not that I am getting desperate or anything :lol: but....

I last saw the midwife for 36w check- everything was fine- always has been and should have saw her last Wed for 38w check but she was off as was working on the delivery ward over xmas. So I am not seeing her til FRIDAY when will be 39w3d (down in my green book as my 38w check though)

So next week when I have my 40w check I will be either 40w1d or 40w3d dep whether it is wed or fri I see her so will she do me a sweep then or will I need to wait til the next week for my 41w+ appt?

I really don't want a hormone induction so would rather have a couple of sweeps first to see if that does it?

Wasn't sure how early they start doing them or does it depend on your area?

Might be begging her by then :roll: :rotfl:
I was 6 days overdue... the MW said that they would have gave me a sweep at 41 weeks then if nothing happened with that the they would have gave me an induction at 42 weeks... they will not let you go past 41 weeks without a sweep... or 42 weeks without an induction.

Fortunately I had a bit of water leakage :puke: at 40+6 and went into hosp and the MW gave me a sweep then..which started things off...a few hours later I had Fynn!

Hope this helps

Good Luck!
sorry hun i'm not sure but i think they leave it a week before a sweep..
no harm asking though she might oblige

how do u know you wont go naturally by then?
positive mental attitude and all that :)
They don't normally offers sweeps in our area until 41 weeks but if you ask your midwife at the appointment she might do it.

Hopefully you won't need a sweep and will pop on your own :D
I dont have anymore appointments with my MW now so presume I will have a sweep at hospital if i need one, im not sure to be honest :?
I would love to go before then but just preparing myself for the long haul.....

Been running up and down stairs today as best I can- probably sounds like a herd of elephants!
I got offered one at 41 weeks, but refused, went into labour the day after
My appointments were 40+2 and 41+2 and I wasn't given the sweep until the second appointment (and had Ryan the following day) though my friend who knew the midwife as a friend, had about 3 from 40 weeks onwards and still ended up being induced lol.
My sister (bossbump) had her MW appointment yesterday at 40+2 and she was expecting a sweep but she wouldn't do one. She made her an appointment at the hospital for when she is 40+10 to get a sweep and an induction date. I was given a sweep at 40+3 but that was cos I had an hospital appointment anyway. With Aimee I was never given a sweep at all.
I've got my next appointment at 39+5 but it's at my GP, I don't go back to the hospital to see a midwife until I go over my EDD at 41 weeks.

Can GP's do membrane sweeps? Really hoping I don't have to wait till 41 weeks for a sweep if I go over my EDD.
I very much doubt they will do a sweep before your due date.

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