Ouwch x


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Morning all.
Dont really want to post this as im always asking silly questions and dont want people to think im stupid :oops: :oops: :oops:

Basicly iv woke up this morn with the strangest pain im finding it really hard to explain what it is so plz excuse me lol, its like a pressure, round my bum and down below, it kills to sit down and get up and move about. I cant really explain what it is, its like that heavy feeling u get on ur period.

I had it yesterday morn and it eased off by now and didnt do it again all day, so maybe its the way im sleeping or the way shes led. any advice??

sorry for always posting these and bothering u all lol, dont wanna ring the birth center evry 5 mins, and ur advice is always better then theres anyway!!!

I always got a pressure in my bum when LO's head was moving down and engaging. He was up and down like a yo-yo! Could be LO is engaging? :think: I do know that feeling is completely normal! :)
Could be hun

1st babies engage early, but can pop in and out (well every person and every baby are different so it's hard to say) I would certainly say it sounds like baby's head putting pressure on your nether regions which gives you that pressure - it is normal though hun :hug:
If it gets really really painful I'd check with your MW just to make sure :)
Yeah sounds like bubs is engagin. The feeling you described is how i described it. I felt like i had a rugby ball between my legs for the last couple of weeks as well :shock:
haha yeah its sooo hard to describe, i told my OH and he just looked at me like i was odd lol. i didnt think she wud engage untill like 36 weeks. shes prob popped back out then cos its stopped now. xxx

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