Out of work whilst pregnant


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I was unfortunate enough to lose 2 jobs last year, due to all this recession crap. I lost my second job just before christmas (and just before we found out I was pregnant).

My OH works full-time and we rent privately, and as most of you probably know, renting privately is bloody expensive :( but we are not in a financial situation to get a mortgage, and don't start me on council housing (it's impossible, and will get me angry! lol).
We have no spare money at the moment - it all goes on rent and bills. So now we're worrying about the pregnancy and being able to afford it!

Apparently I'm not entitled to Jobseekers Allowance because I would have to claim contribution-based as I live with a partner, and apparently I haven't paid enough tax contribution in the last year to claim (probably because I've been in and out of work) - does anyone know if there is ANYTHING we can claim? Apparently we're not entitled to tax credits either :(
I have been looking for work, but nobody wants to take on a pregnant woman!!!

HELP! :shock:
can you claim income support?? i got told i couldnt claim JSA because as i was pregnant i wouldnt be looking for work as i would eventually have to leve?
Approach baby shops! Maybe mothercare, mamas and papas etc may have some work. Hope things work themselves out for you. Xx
i realise ebenfits arent the ideal however when i called the people in charge they said i wouldnt be able to get another job as i wouldnt be able to work long term....
You may be entitled to child tax credits once baby is born we still get a little each month and Grace is 3 - when we first claimed we earnt about £35k joint income, we now earn £55k joint income and still get around £20 a month. I think this will stop come April. When we first claimed we were getting around £90 every 4 wks CTC. Plus you will get child benefit which is just over £80 every 4 weeks. What about maternity allowance, would you be entitled to this? I think earliest you can claim this from is 29 weeks and you have to of worked for so long to qualify. What about help with housing, would you be entitled to housing benefit to help with you rent costs? It's hard to say really, totally depends on what your OH earns x
if your not entitlede to mat pay from an employer you should be entitled to a maternity llowance i think! x
I lost my job before I had chance to tell them I was pregnant and would require maternity pay etc, so it was really hard and I was really worried. Tried claiming JSA but after a super long process, they decided to tell me that I was only entitled to about £2 a week. What the actually fudge?

In the end, we managed to claim housing benefit , it was only about £70 every 2 weeks but it really helped. My OH at the time was working full-time as well, around his Uni course too, bless him.
U might b able to get maternity allowance from 29 weeks...u need to have been working for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks up til ur baby is due. Ul need wage slips tho,its a maximum of 124.88 a week but is taken as an avg of what u earnt in the qualifying weeks. it s paid for 39 weeks.

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