out of hospital


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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phew- home from hospiatl having been admitted monday morning due to high blood pressure and protein in urine.
on medication for blood pressure now and have to go back tomorrow for blood pressure check and review of bloods. think i am gonna spend a lot of time back and forth from hospital!
Asked midwife this morning and asked her what se thought my chances of going to term were, sha laughed and said with high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and the fact i have extra fluid i should concentrate on getting to 34 weeks!!!!!!
still, can just go with flow, bubs is fine at the mo and i am gonna be closely monitored so what will be will be.
just happy to be in my own bed tonight!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sorry you are going though this,at least they are looking after you x
Awww darling, sounds like your in safe hands and they are keeping an eye on you. Like you say nothing better then been back in your own bed. Hope you get a good nights sleep hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you get a good nights sleep in your own Bed :hug: Least you know your in good hands and so is baby x :hug:
Have they put you on Methyldopa hun? That's what I am on and with that and testing the blood sugars every day you feel like a guineau pig in some lab don't you?
Glad you are home and I am sure bubs will be good and hang on in there for several more weeks yet :hug:

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