other bizarre ways to start labour

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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found this while searching for ways to bring on labour :wink:

Here is a selection of other methods (some of them a little bizarre) that other mums are said to have found helpful. There is no evidence for any of these and frankly we are not convinced!

• Blowing up balloons: the theory is that the build up of abdominal pressure encourages labour to start.

• Bouncing on your birth ball or driving your car down a bumpy road would seem to put the same faith in shaking things up a little.

• Get a weepy video and have a good cry.

• Wear your best knickers (sod's law will ensure that your waters break in them). :rotfl:
Best knickers?!!! The only knickers I wear these days are proper Bridget Jones tummy huggers they are all r.e.v.o.l.t.i.n.g!!!
All my nice small knickers have been relegated to another drawer out of sight until I can fit back into them again hahahaha!!
Last time I had a hair cut the hair dresser refused to give me a head massage (my fave part :( ) as she said it can bring on labour :think:
the balloon thing sounds a bit dangerous! don't try that at hime girls! :rotfl:
tangerinedream said:
Last time I had a hair cut the hair dresser refused to give me a head massage (my fave part :( ) as she said it can bring on labour :think:

Ohh I'm having a hair cut on Thursday... I might ask for a massage during the wash. :) At least it's a nice thing to try not like having a bumpy car ride or eating loads of pineapple. :talkhand:
Sabrina said:
tangerinedream said:
Last time I had a hair cut the hair dresser refused to give me a head massage (my fave part :( ) as she said it can bring on labour :think:

Ohh I'm having a hair cut on Thursday... I might ask for a massage during the wash. :) At least it's a nice thing to try not like having a bumpy car ride or eating loads of pineapple. :talkhand:

You'll have to let me know how it goes, at least you'll have a lovely head massage even if it doesnt work aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

ive done aot of walking for past few weeks so that might work for me :pray:
Well, the idea of the balloons might actually work. I had my sons bd party last saturday, and gave up on blowing up balloons as the pressure was incredible and it scared me a bit. My OH is now suggesting another party just to get me blowing up balloons - see if lo decides its time to come out!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Bounce down the stairs one at a time! It helps rupture your membranes, friends if mine swear by it.

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