

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2011
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Just wondering if anyone has had experience with an Osteopath during pregnancy?
Im 16 weeks pregnant and suffering with headaches/migraines so was thinking of going to see one?

Also is it normal to feel so worried and anxious about bubs?! I have Midwife tomorrow and am praying she will check for babys heartbeat. Im wondering if this worry will ever go away. I keep looking at my little bump and thinking it looks smaller than over the past few days and everybody around me keeps asking if i have felt anything yet...as its my first i know it can take longer and I still am early on but it does make you worry . I just want to start enjoying my pregnancy and relax!!

I know exactly how you feel about waiting to feel movement! I'm 17w 1d today and sometimes I think I feel a flutter, but then I'm not sure. Over the next couple of weeks they should get stronger. On my first MW appt, I had to ask her to use the doppler. She said you can't always find it at 16-17 weeks so she would have a go as long as I didn't leave crying! I've got my own doppler at home and I've managed to find it each time, so I wasn't going to panic too much, but I thought well if I can find it, I'm sure you will too!!!

I see an osteopath every 5-6 weeks mostly for prevention of back pain as I work as a dentist and my posture means I'm bending over quite a bit. I've seen my osteopath twice since being pregnant. Admittedly I was quite nervous the first time, but I just told him how far along I was and he said it was OK to be adjusted. Anything I didn't feel comfortable with he would stop. He also said when I get bigger I can be treated on my side. You should discuss this with your osteopath, because they will know best what can and can't be done while pregnant.
I see an Osteopath every 2 weeks hun. Pre pregnancy for my athritus and migraines and during pregnancy for all pregnancy related ills.
Me too and have been going throughout pregnancy, just make sure you go to one who has experience and knows you are pregnant when you book and when you arrive xx
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I know exactly how you feel about waiting to feel movement! I'm 17w 1d today and sometimes I think I feel a flutter, but then I'm not sure. Over the next couple of weeks they should get stronger. On my first MW appt, I had to ask her to use the doppler. She said you can't always find it at 16-17 weeks so she would have a go as long as I didn't leave crying! I've got my own doppler at home and I've managed to find it each time, so I wasn't going to panic too much, but I thought well if I can find it, I'm sure you will too!!!

I see an osteopath every 5-6 weeks mostly for prevention of back pain as I work as a dentist and my posture means I'm bending over quite a bit. I've seen my osteopath twice since being pregnant. Admittedly I was quite nervous the first time, but I just told him how far along I was and he said it was OK to be adjusted. Anything I didn't feel comfortable with he would stop. He also said when I get bigger I can be treated on my side. You should discuss this with your osteopath, because they will know best what can and can't be done while pregnant.

Thank you for your reply.

Think an Osteopath is definately something I am going to look into. Many women say they visit one and is beneficial.

I have resisted temptation (so far) to buy a doppler as I'm not sure I could resist from checking every day lol! But all is good with baby. I went to see the midwife yesterday and she, like your's, warned me that she may not find the heartbeat and if we don't, we are not going to panic...and if I was going to panic then she wouldn't do it!! I acted all brave and said no go ahead, I understand and luckily enough she found it! So reassuring to hear and I'm not sure I could have remained calm had she not found it lol!!

I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy XxX
I see an Osteopath every 2 weeks hun. Pre pregnancy for my athritus and migraines and during pregnancy for all pregnancy related ills.

Lovely thank you. Sounds like you are suffering? Luckily mine is only the occasional migraine but when I get one, I don't quite know what to do with myself! I'm also experiencing slight neck discomfort so I'm thinking a bit of massage might do the trick....any excuse :lol:

Yeah most of my migraines are due to unblanced hormones from PCOS and also my athritus (worst in lower spine but it's also in a bit of my neck)

So far *touch wood* pregnancy has turned migraines into just very bad headaches.
Just wondering if anyone has had experience with an Osteopath during pregnancy?
Im 16 weeks pregnant and suffering with headaches/migraines so was thinking of going to see one?

Also is it normal to feel so worried and anxious about bubs?! I have Midwife tomorrow and am praying she will check for babys heartbeat. Im wondering if this worry will ever go away. I keep looking at my little bump and thinking it looks smaller than over the past few days and everybody around me keeps asking if i have felt anything yet...as its my first i know it can take longer and I still am early on but it does make you worry . I just want to start enjoying my pregnancy and relax!!


snap! I've been off work the last two days having been suffering with migraines and headaches that have made me feel very weak and ill. I'd not heard of Osteopath's though so might look into it. My MIL has been asking me every week since 12w if I've felt anything and it's doing my head in. I keep saying as it's my first I don't think I'll feel anything until later on but she doesn't stop :wall2: I'm sure it will happen soon, its still quite early I think xx
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Morning Doob,

Definately worth looking into...they can detect and massage out any tensions or tightness you may have. I have had to take a couple of days off sick which is very unlike me.....bloody hormones!!

I spoke to my Midwife about baby movements and she said if I had have told her at 16 weeks I had felt movements she would have been very suprised!! I find that the people who keep asking me, have children of their own so must know it is still too early lol....I know some people do experience movements at this stage and more so if it is their second.

That's reassuring then! I didn't really expect to feel much yet until MIL kept going on x

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