open uni? / etc?? home learning


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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anyone done a course and can give me any info?
do you get qualifications and are they recognised??
any info from real people who've done them would be great, thanks :)
I did and Health and Social Care course, which was the equivalent to the 1st year of a degree, if you pass you get so many credits per course, and can put them all togther to form a degree. Work was funding my course, so i only did the one, and didnt register for it to go against a degree, but if I was applying for jobs i would still put it on my application. The course i did is recognised, and a lot of jobs in that sector (social work), its a essential that you have it for them to even consider you.
im doing a CIW in website design.
I dont think it is a degree but its a qualification that is recognised by companies. At the end of it i get a job with a ccompany too cos apparently not that many people do my job....

Im doing it with the skills train. Its costing £2700 (ish =- £75 pm over 3 years). Which is so much less than a uni course :) Hope that helps hun
I'm doing an Open Uni course and puting it towards a degree with them. A whole degree is 360 credits and you can take courses which are anything for 10 credits up to 90 per course (the courses vary in length).

You can do what is called an Open Degree whereby you get a BA honours of BSC honours and its made up of 360 credits in whatever subjects you want.

Or you can do a specific degree - i'm doing Psychology. After I finish (it'll be a few years) I'll have a BA in Psychology!

I'm on my first course, it is 60 credits and takes 9 months to complete. I'm about half way through now!

They also do access and taster courses worth between 10 and 30 credits which get you into the ways of working at home and the system generally.

Mine is funded due to me being on a low income. The OU website will tell you if you qualify for funding

I like my course and i like studying at home. Sometimes it can be hard to motivate myself but i'm getting there. I decided to do the course because i had to stop my 'normal' degree due to baby and i didn't want to give up studying.

Sorry i've rambled... :oops:

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