oops!! what should i do?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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i forgot to do my wee sample this morning for the midwife (she tells me to do it first thing).

Shall i do one now? i'm seeing her at 1pm and i'm always forgetting something so feel i should give her something! i wonder if it will make much difference :think:
When I saw my midwife and forgot my pee she asked me to do some while I was there, so it probably doesn't make much of a difference. I think they prefer the first pee of the morning because it's stronger, but I'm sure any pee is better than none :)
I've never been told to take the first pee of the day, so I generally do one at work just before I got to see the MW. In fact, last week when she was testing it she said "you haven't eaten any lunch!". I looked at her confused, not realising she could tell from the pee. I had eaten lunch, but I'd eaten it just before I'd gone to the loo so it hadn't registered :lol:
Ive never been told to use FMU and always do it just b4 MW appointment or even the night before so I dont forget, surely they would have told me if it had to be done in the morning :think:

I'd do it now & just let them know when u did it :)
i wonder how much of a difference it makes :think: when i forgot last time she did not want me to do one there. She told me to do one the next morning and drop it off.

i've done one now and we ll see what she can tell from it!
i forgot to do mine this morning and she said "it's very important............................."
but she didnt make me do it there, she just said dont forget next time
I'm a good girl and never forget mine but I am very conscious of the colour!! :rotfl: I don't want it to be too dark so I get told off for not drinking enough water (I'm rubbish at that!) so I end up drinking loads of water and can't stop going to the toilet all day.

Saw this too...

http://www.mumstuff.co.uk/acatalog/We-C ... evice.html

How very handy!
:rotfl: i would find that useful, i never get the right amount. She always wants it up to the line but i spend ages pouring it away when over the line and trying to add more!!

i don't think she noticed i had not done it this morning :D

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