
Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Okay so today i have been swimming with my fella and his kids everything was going fine i was doing okay then when i was swimin down towards the deep end i felt a tingle in my stomach and i tryed everything to stop what i knew was gonna happen......but it was too late not a lot only a little but i threw up ewwwwwwwwwww but not in the pool i mandged to pull myself up i told the life guard i was pregnant hense why i was sick i was s emmbrassed i went to get changed he said no its okay stay i understand and then another woman came upto me and explained she was sick a few weeks back but she did it in the pool my mistake at the end of it i got a nice hot choclate and some ressurance of the life guard and got to go back in the pool...I know its not the nicest thing but just thought i would share my shame lol :x:wall2:
Aww bless you!! I'd of died of embarrassment lol. Glad the lifegaurd was nice about it though x
Aw bless you! I don't know what I'd do if that was me, prob run away!! Lol
Aww bless you!! I'd of died of embarrassment lol. Glad the lifegaurd was nice about it though x

I know i thought i would think i may put swimmin off for abit thou lol :roll:
oh my god you poor girl!!! that is sooo something i would do lol!! glad youre ok! and got the freebies at the end :) xxx
Don't let it put you off :) People are so understanding when your pregnant x
Glad they were so understanding - I used to panic whenever we went out in case I threw up in public. I had the morning sickness from hell, was AWFUL :-(
i know we went cinerma a few weeks ago and once again i walked out and got to the car and then threw up 6 times i nearly went hospital it scares the hell outta me but thanks everyone iam okay now x
Oh no :(!!! I hope you're starting to feel better now!

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