ooh i love my new outfit!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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well its not NEW new, its new TO ME! lol my sister gave me a huge bag of her old clothes and shoes (its SO useful havin the same shoe size as ur mum AND ur sis!) and i put these together i love how it looks its a very kate moss look i think! and she is super stylish! i am REALLY showin off i proper love myself dressed like this u can probably tell :oops: excuse me please! oh and goodness me PLEASE excuse the state of the dining room- its our token "one room in house which is a junk room we're planning to do up but not getting round to"! :lol:
i kno its a shakey rubbish video but my boyf was in bed and i suck at self pics (cant get whole body in anyway too close!) and stills in the mirror just came out like a big flash couldnt see anything!
i dont kno where i can wear it, its probably too slutty for the wedding and christening we've got coming up (not ours! lol)
very shexy! - red n black - they are my fave colours together!
i dont think it looks slutish.. if you put a longer sleved top on urder your waist coqat you can calm it down a bit...

although must add your looking thinner to me today.. might b the angle tho.. how are you doing with things?
twit a woo (that's my wolf whistle by the way) you look great hun :D

The outfit is realllly nice!!

May i ask tho - why did you keep putting your hand on your head? :lol: :lol:
trixi - don't take this the wrong way - we don't really know each other and I haven't commented on your other thread as you seem t be getting lots of support without me sticking my oar in...

I have wonder whether to post this but feel I shoukd - I~ really don't want to upset you or offend you :hug:

rest of message deleted.
:cry: I needed a push to leave this forum and get on with my life but there always seemed to be someone needign reassurance or help and I kept comign back.

You've done me a favour - all the best to all the PF members.
smile said:
is there a tiny bit of you that is hoping for people to say "wow you look great" and validate how you feel about your skinny figure?

maybe no more photos until we can see a lovely healthy size you looking your best :) :hug:

hmm this is a bit harsh no?

What is wrong with showing us her new outfit? I think its a cool idea, as we are all girly girls? I love looking at peoples new outfits....

I didnt feel it was a nice or justified comment either.Glad someone else thought so.
:think: I posted pics of my dress and shoes the other day- I live with a bloke who's completely disinterested when I get excited about clothes! :roll:

I think Trix was just posting here so we can see the outfit (I like it by the way- I LURVE boots (I secretly hate the summer because I can't wear my boots! :doh: :rotfl: )
as I said - I really don't mean to offend or upset trixi - it is a question, not a critism and is genuinely meant to be supportive. I'm sorry if other people don't feel it is.

Trixie - I'm happy to delete the question if YOU want me to :hug:
smile said:
as I said - I really don't mean to offend or upset trixi - it is a question, not a critism and is genuinely meant to be supportive. I'm sorry if other people don't feel it is.

Trixie - I'm happy to delete the question if YOU want me to :hug:

Yeh ok, just sometimes, somethings that people think in their heads should probably not be said.

Perhaps it could have been worded differently. Like you said, you haven't commented in the other thread, and you said you don't really know her... so its possibly not your place to comment on anything regarding her other thread.

Just my opinion.... xx
ok I'm going to delete it because I'm actually sitting here feelign physically sick and crying that anyone who has read my hundreds of other posts could think I would ever say anything to upset anyone.

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