only one day..........

if we dont get any good pics this time were going to get our money back :(
:cheer: :cheer: yay shes a girl!!
Looking like crossing my fingers and toes for you paid off lol

Pain in the bum that you have to go back, but at least you know what to expect now :hug:
I know it's a strange thing to say but she looks very feminine??!! :)
awwwwww how gorgeous, were u go again hunny for ur scan?
apperently the reason the pics wouldnt come out properly is because shes breech
aww shes a little cutie pie! she looks like a girl too.
everyone keeps saying mine looks like a boy but i really can't see it. But yours deffo looks like a little princess.
wow - she has a cute little nose... and you get to have another go... brilliant

she has my nose and cheeks! :D

sarah hun were going to call her madsion

awww thankyou budge hun i think she looks girly to :D
Aww, that's a lovely picture Hev, and great that you get another look on Saturday!! :dance:
She is so beautiful!!! Very pretty, defo very girlie!

Hope she is in a better position for you saturday xxxx :pray:

Great pic wish i had one like that you can really see what she looks like
Congrats on the girl
aw hun that is an amazing pic you must be really happy, sorry you didnt get to see what you wanted maybe saturday will be better and she will be good for you and let you see :wink:

awww hun sorry it didnt work out fingers crossed she will be lying in a great position on sat for u hun.

The pic is great and gratz its a girl how lovely :cheer: :cheer:
Great piccie Hev, plus the bonus of going back for more on Saturday!! Don't forget to post the results.
good luck for saturday - hope little madison is laying in a better position and not so camera shy this time... post your piccies asap.


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