One2one midwifes


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Does anyone have these in there areas and no much about them? I hear a lot of good things, but duno how they work? X
Yes I am signed up with OnetoOneMidwifes and it's fantastic! Had my scan today in a private clinic rather than NHS. You have more appointments and all with the same midwife done in your home. Midwife will be there for birth and have will stay with me until baby is 6 weeks. Couldn't recommend enough! X
They're really friendly so give them a call and they will talk you through what they're about etc but it's all about traditional midwifery x
Do they push home births on you? I still want a hospital birth, it confuses me how that would work like my last pregnancy I rang the labour ward when I was in labour, but if I was with them who would I ring to go to hospital? And would hospital have all my info And what happens if further along say you want checking for lack of movement or something? Usually you'd go into hospital be checked put on monitor/scanned how would they do it?

Sorry for all questions !ha there's a local one close to me so I might pop in and see what there likex
No not at all. I'm most likely going to have a hospital birth as trying for a VBAC this time. You just always call your midwife first and they will then liase with hospital on your behalf if there's any problems or when it comes to delivery. So when I had some bleeding last time my midwife called the hospital and got me an appt to be checked over etc so just cuts out GP or having to call yourself. My midwife hasn't brought up h
Sorry posted before finished!

Anyway, my MW hasn't brought up home birth as a topic and has just told me my options for delivery and left it up to me. For me personally it's about having that more personal experience and knowing I will have the one midwife from start to end. You can call your midwife any time at all day/night if urgent. Definitely pop in and have a chat for more info, I struggle to see the down side to be honest x
What's a VBAC? I might pop in then and sign up, I haven't had midwife appointment yet and will be 10 weeks on Saturday, my appointment meant to be next Thursday, I've also heard there good at involving your children? In guessing they still do all the normal checks at scans nuchual tests etc and all blood tests? X
It's free, it's funded by nhs x
Yeah free as NHS funded. My midwife has done all my bloods herself at home. I haven't even seen GP just went straight to OnetoOne and was assigned a midwife straight away xx

P.s VBAC is vaginal birth after C-Sec
Ohhhh haha!!! I'm going to pop
In Tomoz and see what it's like hopefully get a appointment if like them x
Yes that's the one, I think at the mo it's just on certain areas , it says on website the areas they do I think x
Yes, I've just checked, it's only in two places:/

That's a shame, it sounded really good.
Oh is it? I no it's in Crewe and Wirral x
It says Crewe and Warrington.

I'm from a town near Edinburgh so no chance for travelling:/
Call to double check as I am in Essex and it's running here now x
They do leeds and Yorkshire as well,looked at it a little this morning but as it's my first pregnancy I'm going to give my surgeries midwife a go.

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