One week today .. Need help please x


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Hi ladies

Hope you are all recovering as well as can be expected.

I lost my precious angel baby a week ago today. I can't get over the fact that this time last week my baby was still in my belly and now he or she is in heaven.

It's coming up to the exact time last Saturday that I lost my angel so I'm very emotional.

Any help or support would really be great.


Stacey xx
Hi Stacey,

I know exactly how you feel and what you are going through. I had 2 mc's. One late one at 23+ and one at 7 weeks. Actually today is the due date of my last mc.
it is very hard to come to terms with that one minute there was a baby inside you and next it's gone.
There are not many words that will help as we all heal, suffer, grief differently.
What helped me was, taking every day as it came. I would have days where I just wanted to curl up and don't get out of bed but then I also had days, where everything seemed fine.
I always told myself that my 2 angels weren't perfect enough...
Do know, that everyone is here for you. :hug:
Hi Stacey. I had a loss last June and I remember feeling the same way. I'm very sorry for your loss and wish I knew what to say to help. Just know you aren't alone and there is a lot of support out there. The grieving process takes time - and it's different for everyone. I hope you're feeling better soon. Until then, if you need a good cry (I had several), then go for it. When you are ready, try to get out of the house and into the sunshine - I don't know why, but it was a big help for me. Xxxx
Thanks vampysgirl. I'm so sorry for your losses. I keep trying to take it day by day and hope tomorrow is a better one. Just feels so hard that at my 8 week scan we found a heartbeat yet 3 weeks later I lost my baby. The only comfort I have is my husbands nan passed away in September and she wanted to meet our first child so I now believe she is looking after our angel. Xx
Thanks Sprk. I think once I don't have a broken foot anymore I will get out a lot more and that might help. Tbh I would stay in all day on my own atm but my hubby makes me go somewhere little everyday as he doesn't want me to stay in with my thoughts all the time. Sorry for your loss hun. Xx
Stacey, on my last mc I had a hb one week and the next it was on its way out. What we've done, once I past our angel we burried it in the garden and planted a rose on top. Now I can go there every day and the rose is growing lovely.
Your husband sounds like a great support and you don't have to go it alone.
Talk about it how you feel, talking helps a lot too...
Hi Stacey, 11 week yesterday since I had my mc (I was 10 weeks according to my early scan or 11 +1 from my last period). I still have days that I feel a little down and think ... I should be 20 weeks etc. Take 1 day at a time and look after yourself xxx
Awh I'm sorry vampysgirl. The rose is a lovely idea. We've done a few things to remember our angel.

My husbands great but he doesn't like to talk about it anymore but everyone heals differently so I respect that. Xx
Thanks Shelly. I'm sorry for your loss hun. That's what I'm trying - day by day xx

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