One Step OPKs - avoid!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I got these from Amazon. I used them everyday from cycle day 8 and by day 14 I was thinking i shuld be getting a steadily darker line as my cm was getting more but the line was barely visible to the naked line. On the day I had ewcm I bought some FR OPKs and sure enough a huge dark second line that appeared immedately - no waiting. Used the same cup of pee and did a One Step test and it was still a barely there line. I definateyl ovulated as I had a temp shift.

I will never use these brand of OPK again as I almost missed my O date so be aware!!!
Thanks for info, I've been using them! x
OMG i use these!! And i have been wondering about not getting any sort of line... mind you i am only on CD 9 I THINK but shit... i am worried i have missed the boat now..
hey last month i bought cheapie opk's from bodycare, and like u i was getting faint lines. when i ran out i used tesco ones and they were much better....this month (well yesterday and today) i used tesco ones and bam got dark line yest so wood defo recdommend tesco ones....theyr like £8 odd for a ack of 7 but well worth it xx
OMG has Anyone had positive results from One Step? I have a million of them (well like 50!)

I think i might go and get some from Tesco or Superdrug after my other OV tests from Yes Yes Yes have run out

mind you, i dont know how good they will be now...

I have used these in the past & there rubbish, they never give me a positive test either. So are there pregnancy tests there crap, they need to be told, wonder if they have a email address where you can email them about there crap tests. x
Thats all i got on these, its prob what everyone gets when they use these. Someone should write to them.
GRRRRR :( :(

I got the same thing on the other type i used earlier from Yes Yes Yes so i will continue to use two a day (and possible even a Tesco too) to see if i get anything from the One Step, if i dont i will be writing a very harsh letter to them with pictures!
I use these and get faint lines every day and I also had dark lines too which is consistent with keeping the same time of day too so and indication of ovulating.

BUT I do agree, they are so cheap it makes you wonder if they are any good so tbh if you can afford it invest in a better opk xx
Now we are on this topic I take it the one step pg are rubbish too?!

Haven't posted my feedback on eBay yet but think it's thumbs down reading this!x
I dont use OPK's as got a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor but after ready all your threads im really angry, can these ppl really sell these products when they dont work!!!!

Grrrrr I would be sooo angry if I was using any of them and missed OV (as im sure you all would be also).

I have these and have had positives on the right day all 3 months I've used them. (Got AF 14 days later)

Not had any +'s on the HPTs :(

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