One of those weeks, car crash + aches and pains!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2012
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Hi ladies! This is a bit long, but I've had a few issues since last here!
I set off on my merry way to Scotland last saturday only to be car number 5 in a 6 car pile up on the motorway! I honestly don't think I have ever been so scared, my husband said I was screaming and howling like a different person but all I was thinking about was my poor little one. Luckily an ambulance came to the scene and I had my first experience of being hooked up and thoroughly checked over! Thank god, everything seemed to be ok with lo and I got away with just a broken toe and lots of bruises!
I still managed to get to Scotland as I borrowed my dads car, but panic set in about lo and I found myself using the doppler a bit more than I probably should to make sure she was ok.
Wednesday I had a black out + seeing spots episode and had to get marched back to our hotel and now ever since yesterday my legs have ached so badly I can barely walk.
I'm assuming it's all connected to stress of the last week and added stress that my car has now been written off and I've been worrying how to get to work and my hospital appointment next week!

But, to get to the end..does anyone have any good ideas for easing achey legs..? I've had a few baths but it doesn't help, it feels like the aches are deep in my bones!
Any other easy/cheap pampering ideas would be nice too.. i'm setting tomorrow aside to lay around the house and try to relax!
Oh poor u hun. Thank god u ,oh and lo are all okay. Just try and relax and focus on the exciting times ahead! Defintely a relaxing bath may help!! Funny u saying about aching deep in ur bones as i have had this recently, may not just be related to car accident! Apparently bones soften when u r pregnant as bones prepare to make apace for ur expanding bub. May have been aggravated by crash! :) hope ur feeling better soon :) xxx
Oh my gosh! Glad to hear you and bub are OK :) what a scary time. Plenty relaxing, maybe see if you can get booked in with someone who specialises in pregnancy massage? x
Thank goodness you are all ok! No real
Ideas for relaxing your legs other than a nice bath xxx

So sorry to hear this hun x Thank goodness you are both ok! I can understand the fact you are still being affected by the stress, it's to be expected.

I find having my feet up whilst sitting and also heat pads take the ache away. Neither are a quick fix, I have to keep doing it, but the more legs up with heat I get the more the ache goes away.
i know Indian tonic water can help with cramps. (probably work better with gin and tonic, but unfortunately not an option right now)

Try and take it easy for a while, you and LO are fine and that's what matters :)
you poor love, glad you are ok. No idea on the muscle front but keep up with the baths and maybe OH can massage your legs for you?
Oh no thank goodness all is ok.

Achey legs? Could your OH give a nice massage to them? Other than that and baths I'm a bit stuck. Could you get your midwife to refer you to physic? Maybe you've trapped a nerve in the crash and having a delayed reaction and it's affecting your legs?
Thanks for well wishes and advice everyone, I had a fairly epic 12 hour sleep last night (not including toilet wake up calls lol) and have had my legs up with heat applied most of the day! A leg rub from my oh and another bath and i'm feeling a bit more prepared to go back to work tomorrow! :)

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