On day 11 ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Me and OH have been doing the deed every other day since I have came off this month, being very focused this month seems as normally we don't do the deed at all! ( mainly down to the recurrent bouts of thrush i was getting but since i had a months worth of tablets for it, it has seemed to go away, lets hope it stays that way too) ... but yeahhh .... sooooo I'm on day 11 now so who would recommend doing the deed everyday from now on or still every other day? ... i had a 28 day cycle this month so i should ovulate around day 14????

Hey :)

I admire you for having the energy & time to BD every other day throughout your cycle let alone everyday lol... I'm on my CD 12 & usually ovulate between days 14-21 (cycles = really irregular) so my plan is to BD every other day for the next week or so then most likely have a week off ha :) good luck with whichever path you chose to take (my OPKs aren't even showing a faint line yet :( so guessing my ov may be later than day 14) xx
thanks hunni! ... haha we never used to be like it but we have to try and focus more because it was getting us nowhere, still might not now but it is giving us more of a chance isnt it. opks never work for me so i dont chart, we are just going to go by chance and try and cover most of the days, see what happens then i suppose lol. i wrote in my dates from period and it says that from tomoz until monday they are my fertile days xxx
we'll have to keep each other updated seen as we are in about the same place in our cycles so will probably have (ish) the same 2 week wait :) i always get so excited during the 2WW! Since coming off my pill I've had a 33 day cycle, then 2 x 28 day cycles then last month was 35 days! So who knows what this month will be... I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us xx
I am on cd13 and do not usually ov til day 19 or 20 (going by how my cycles were last time off the pill) so expecting another week to wait :( altho my opk this morning had a reasonable line...but don't know what to make of them sometimes.

btw, bit personal but did your other half get treated for thrush too? as I had it going on for weeks and weeks, and it wasn't until they treated both of us that it went away, as I would get clear, then dtd and get re-infected from DH! oops.
I am on cd13 and do not usually ov til day 19 or 20 (going by how my cycles were last time off the pill) so expecting another week to wait :( altho my opk this morning had a reasonable line...but don't know what to make of them sometimes.

btw, bit personal but did your other half get treated for thrush too? as I had it going on for weeks and weeks, and it wasn't until they treated both of us that it went away, as I would get clear, then dtd and get re-infected from DH! oops.

Yes we both had to get treated because he would still carry it otherwise. It's gone for a few weeks now so I'm hoping I wont see it again unless it's a sign of pregnancy heehee!!

&& thanks hun I'll keep my fingers crossed for you aswell!! ... would be nice to get pregnant this month because if I did my due date would be 2nd March and me and OH anniversary is on the 3rd March, how freaky would that be eh? lol xxx
if my cycle goes as it should this month I would be testing on my birthday and our 9th anniversary is 3 days after that :) what a present that would be......

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