

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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OH put Seb on his tummy on his changing mat (on the floor) for tummy time and Seb managed to get himself from the bottom of the changing mat to the top by pulling his knees under him and pushing himself forwards! I'm in shock! Where's my newborn baby gone?! Very proud mummy if a bit sad that he's no longer my newborn!
Wow!! Oscar is nowhere near that yet! Still a helpless little lump xx
Seb's just too nosey! That's what it is! Lol! I'm still in shock I think!
O bless him!! He'll be shuffling round the lounge before you know it! Deffinately not a newborn any more :yay:
thats great new !! i cant wait till chalie start moveing about
I just wasn't expecting this just yet! Lol x
Paige has now learnt to roll front to back and back to front and I hate it that shes starting to move about. It means I cant put her on the floor and know that she'll be in the same place when I get back :( lol
you'll be chasing him around in no time :hugs: I find Aoibheann in crazy places now
Clever boy - they do knew things everyday at this age - sarah can scoot along on her back now - i left her on her mat the other day naked whilst i went to the loo and she had covered haf the carpet in the two mins it took me - safe to say i don't do that anymore!
Seb's just too nosey! That's what it is! Lol! I'm still in shock I think!

lmao LO is soooo nosey his head is side to side one min then the next :roll:
Caught Tristan shuffling on the carpet it at inlaws i asked inlaw if she moved him up cos i was shocked how he got there from being put down the bottom :eh: lol.
He puts his one leg under his bum kinda thing an tries to roll over to the otherside but i dont think it will be long before hes bum shuffling at this rate. Our boys growin up soooooo fast.. lol x
Growing up far too fast!!!

He's almost rolling over from back on to front too but this shocked us both!

Gotta keep an eye on our rapidly moving babba's!!!
Aw bless him! They are growing so fast. I have to be carefull with Drake now as he's a right wriggler! I put him on his back the other day and he nearly rolled over onto his front!

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