OMG what have I done!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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We just saw a gorgeous graco travel system second hand for £30!!!! So we have brought it. It had carrycot, buggy, car seat, cosy toes, rain cover all in perfect condition. Now I am totally freaking out that I have jinxed everything and something is totally going to go wrong but Oh had to buy it as it was such a bargain!!! Its made me even more nervous than I was.

I AM FREAKING OUT NOW!!!!!!!:shock::help:
i dont believe in all that stuff hun, when i lost my baby i hadnt bought a single thing. if mc or problems happen, they'll happen whether you buy something or not. so dont panic enjoy your little bargain! :)

Make a pregnancy ticker
If you see a bargain, then go for it! One of my best friends bought practically everything like the cot, buggy etc before she even started to try for a baby!xx
i got a travel system for 25 quid off ebay when i was 8 weeks, it was meant to be i think, and i think the same for you
We got our travel system when I was 12 weeks, I don't think it jinx's anything :) x x
Maybe its more of a sign that everything will be fine :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies. Probably just me being paranoid and seeing the worst instead of the fact that it was a bargain. We can't afford to be picky and have to get bargains when we can money is so tight.
Well done Leanne, what a bargin to be had, you would have kicked your self if you didnt buy it. xx
I know Charlie that if we hadn't have got it and babes was fine I would have been furious with myself. Its lovely just the right height for my back not to be bent over with the arthritis. Its got so much with it and was spotless.
Sounds simlar to the one i have, (from my 5 year old) i couldnt bring my self to throw it away as we hardly used it, we used the car seat the most. Iv had it wraped up since :) xx

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