OMG we might be moving to Dubai!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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OH's brother moved there a little while ago and has suggested a few times we move out there, well now OH has been made redundant we have been looking into it and it turns out the company I work for has an office in Dubai and I can get transferred there...we can stay with OH's brother while OH looks for work and we look for something to rent.

No tax. Let me repeat that....NO TAX!!!!

We are going to fly over there for a couple of weeks once OH's redundancy money comes through...hopefully in the next 4 weeks.

Oh and they have rock festivals in the dessert!

The politics are a little bit like WTF but NO TAX!!!
thats exiting hun, my brother in law is moving there in sept with a new job he has got as a construction site manager :hug:
Ooooooo Dubai sounds faby!!

And, the only place you can have a drink is a five star every pint you pop out for will be a posh pint!!

My dad works in dubai and loves it, he says its very enlightend over there and cosmopolitan, nothing like saudi so dont worry, apparently a lot of people think its like saudi.
mrs_tommo22 said:
My dad works in dubai and loves it, he says its very enlightend over there and cosmopolitan, nothing like saudi so dont worry, apparently a lot of people think its like saudi.

Yeah we've been doing a lot of research and it seems 80% of the population are ex-pats, and they have strict rules about religion - any religion is tolerated and you can practice/beleive what you like but they do not allow evangalism or preaching or trying to convert - perfect for me as I believe thats how society SHOULD be. Also if you are non-muslim you can get a liquor liscence that allows you to buy alcohol in shops to drink at home (there is a monthyl limit but not one we're likely to reach as we're not massive drinkers). Also it is the safest city in the world with hardly any crime (probably because they use flogging and have the death penalty) and the cost of living is pretty much the same as here - only difference is higher rent/property prices and lower white goods - and wages are a lot higher with no tax.

Politically, you pay no tax so you dont get a say - there is no democracy, but tbh from what I have seen so far its all pretty good.

I just want to get over there and see it!!!!
Sounds amazing GGG, im sure you will love it, its a completely different culture and world out there - id like to visit it myself.

The social life is amazing too.
Oooh hun, that would be such an experience. Definately have to catch up this week :wink: :hug:
How exciting! :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug:
If you do move over , I think we should arrange a meet over there to come and see you. :cheer: :cheer:
from what i have seen, it looks like one iof the most beautiful places in the world! wow. My dad may be working there in the future and he can not wait!
Awwww, lucky you!!! My hubby lived there years ago through his Dad's work and he loved it!!!

The NO tax is fab too isnt it!!!
glitzyglamgirl said:
The politics are a little bit like WTF ...

I terrible sorry to have to inform you of this but....

all politics are like WTF.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Go for it :) You can always move back if you don't like it.. :) and it might open up new opportunities for you :) you can never tell... The gods guide us in directions where we wouldn't have ever thought possible... and they usually start the journey by doing something we think is redundancy ;)
How exciting!! Go for it! :cheer:

(although make sure you cover up. I had a stopover there once and had a filmsy low cut top on. Big mistake, the men there wouldn't stop staring at the half naked western women! :lol: :lol: :oops: )
My OH was born and raised in Dubai :D Well Abu Dhabi to be precise :roll: It's next door lol

The pictures are breath taking :wink: but the reality of being born there is a bit naff. They do not have their own nationality (should really be Arab) so OH has Pakistani passport as his parents are Pakistani even though he has only stepped foot in the country twice on holiday :shock:
He also had to apply for residency permits once he was a teenager and now can't get into the country (WHERE HE WAS BORN AND RAISED FOR 18YEARS OF HIS LIFE!!) without a visit visa because he was abroad studying for over 2years so had his residency revoked :evil:

My father in law's house and residency come with his job so when he retires (which we are hoping is soon) he has no place to live and hardly anything to call a pension so inshallah (God willing) he will move to the UK and live in our home (with bump :cheer: )

It's basically a country for working people. You're right though - they are always telling me how clean and safe it is there! :D

Mega hot too!! :oops:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Politically, you pay no tax so you dont get a say - there is no democracy, but tbh from what I have seen so far its all pretty good.

I'm beginning to doubt we've got democracy here either. :roll:

It sounds fab - good luck with it all.
It sounds amazing! :cheer: How do you daughters feel about the move? I bet your OH is excited. I always want to move somewhere hot and lovely like that but I think I would get too homesick. If I could take my whole family I would :lol:

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