Iv been told i have Strep B about 40% of pregnant women get this due to hormones (its very dangerous if passed to newborns and can cause meningitus and pnumeonia) but its not a big deal in the UK, here in Canada everyone is tested for it, i didnt get tested for it in the UK pregnant with DD, but i am so stooOopid searching on google for facts about it and scared the s*** out of me to say the least. The fact i birth quickly and need to get two doses of antibiotics in me beofre she comes out, what it could do if passed to her, and im sooo scared of needles and would prefer to have no pain releif if it envolved needles. i dont care how much pain im in, i cant deal with injections, even thinking about them. i only had G&A with my DD because of this and coped great so i was so looking forward to the birth again just with abit of G&A, but i read the comments of these girls who had the same thing and the antibiotics and im so scared now
http://www.babycenter.com/400_are-the-a ... rel_wps_qa

http://www.babycenter.com/400_are-the-a ... rel_wps_qa