OMG single figures now!!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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YAY only 9 days till DD! I used to see these posts when I came into tri 3 and think its forever off for me! Now its here! Now hes nearly here! :shock: Oh poo now Im getting scared! :shock: I cant wait to see her but Im so so tired all the time!
OH is getting so impatient lol! Its funny! Im still thinking I will be at least a week over so Im ok! I dont feel like I could have her at any time but Geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I really could lol! Im sure I still have things to do!?! :think: :shock: :shock:
OMG! I am scared for you! I cant beleive how quickly the time has gone! I too remember coming in this section for sneaky peeks and thinking i cant imagine being at that stage. So exciting!!!! :cheer:
i know its scary how soon the time goes, i may even have my bubs in less than 2 weeks if i have a section :eek:
Thanks ladies! I cant believe its gone so fast! Never went this fast with the others lol!
oh wow hun, that has gone quick! blimey!!

come on lola-mae, get moving on out girly!! :cheer: :cheer:
i think this pregnancy has gone quicker for me too, im sure its all these little milestones on this forum that makes it go quicker :dance:
I remember when you, and a number of others all deserted me and left for Tri only seems like yesterday!

So pleased you are down to single figures and fingers crossed LO will make an appearance very soon :hug:
I expect to see your labour thread up on here within the next 10 days!!!! :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: any day now hun ooh im so excited i cant wait you had best get a photo of her on here as soon as poss after birth or im gonna show off big time :hug: xxxxxx
Giddy Gosh soooo close :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Could be ANY DAY NOW :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

LoTs AnD LoTs oF

Heeheee thankyou all so much!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hennaly Im sure it is this forum thats helped it go fast for me too! Knowing what milestones and just generally chatting about it all! :cheer: Its fab!
Rach I will get a pic on asap after she is born! But dont you all expect much in the next week! lol Im still aiming on 41 weeks hahaha :lol: so really I have 16 days left!!! ;) hahaha
Oh my goodness where has the time gone.... :cheer: for single figures :hug:

Jane x
Heehee thanks you 3!
Babydust yeh i was late with them all! Dillon was the least late lol at 3/4 days late (depending on which date I went by as he was constantly being changed from the 10th June to the 11th lol and came on the 14th!) the other 2 were both exactly one week late!
Quick go buy a bulk load of pineapples, hot curries and castor oil!!!!!

Have you packed for the FINAL time or are you still packing/unpacking your bag?

Oooooh I'm soooooo excited for you!!!

Sarah xxx

ps. still beat ya lol
:puke: :puke: :puke: hahaha
I have packed for the last time! OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOO I havent! :wall: I decided that the outfit I got for her to come home in is too big (newborn but if shes a little small it will be too big) so need to get a new one and pack that! :doh: How did I forget!?!? Glad you reminded me! :hug: NOT so glad you reminded me you beat me :talkhand: :shakehead: hahaha only joking!

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