OMG I'm moving home!!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Well we signed for a new property a couple of weeks ago (mid june), I lost my job a week after which was quite a shock as now we have had to tighten our belts so that we could afford the two mortgages but thats beside the point. The original owner was waiting to complete on her new property which meant that she was still living in our property. We assumed that she would be there for AGES...but she called today to say that tomorrow would be her last day and we can move in as from next week.

Finacially it's quite a shock as she was paying rent which was helping, well now she's not...and I am in a blind I have to get the entire property packed and moved in under two weeks as we are due to go on holiday at the end of July and OH and DD are terrible horders to make an understatement...and I don't know how I am going to do it as I am not supposed to carry anything heavy!!!! And OH complains that he is not getting any down time after work, even though he's only working half days atm because its summer in Spain. So...PANIC!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: What am I going to do !!!

On the up side...we now have a nursery for the new baby :D our current flat is only two bedrooms and small bedrooms at that. The new place has four.

Sorry felt the need to vent my panic... :evil:
well? as you now wont have to pay for both properties could you hire someone to help you move? please dont go lifting anything you are pregnant!
Thats the we are paying both mortgages because the previous owner is no longer paying us rent. so now we are paying 2x mortgage/water/electric no spare cash :shock: I think some serious favours might be called in!

I'm really excited at moving because at the moment we live in a cardboard box and the size has been driving me bonkers for quite sometime. The new place is huge. :cheer: but the moving... :think: Does anyone have a magic moving wand for free... ???
if i did i would lend it to you :) tia's 7.. im sure she can pack her stuff up?? and some small stuff then leave the bigger stuff to hubby.. looks like yo are gonnahave to tighten up a little more to get some help in

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