OMG!!!! Help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Bertie is asleep on my lap and just stopped breathing! :shock: He made a funny squeaking noise and I had to sit him up to get him going again and even then it took a few seconds! I'm used to him doing it when feeding but when he's asleep?????

He's breathing fine now, deep and regular. This is the one and only time he's done it asleep that I know of. Going to ring the gp xxxxxxx
I'm pretty sure it's absolutely fine. G quite often sort of stops breathing for a few seconds in his sleep.

What did the gp say?
that must have been so scary hun, i would definately seek some advice though, hope ur both ok and let us know what gp says :hugs:xxx
I'm pretty sure it's absolutely fine. G quite often sort of stops breathing for a few seconds in his sleep.

What did the gp say?

Still waiting for them to ring back. Cos he has a heart murmur it's a symptom of that as well as normal baby behaviour apparently

Scary isn't the word, I think I just aged about 15 years!
Poor you :( my friends little girl does this, she's been to gp and a&e with her about it and they all reckon it's one of those things! Easy said when it's not your baby :( x
Oh my! I would recommend gettng a snuza monitor. It clips onto the diaper snd monitors the baby's breathing. If lo stops for 15 seconds an alarm sounds. Has gone off for us a couple of times, but at least we know it works! I hope he is ok! Xx
The gp is ringing a paediatrician to get some advice, is ringing me back in a mo
Aw hun :hug:

That must have been very scary for you. Hope someone helps you quickly. Xx
The paediatrician said it sounds like cyclical breathing but I have to watch for him turning blue at any episode. Well yes love if he looks like a Smurf I'll obviously panic :roll:. She said babies can stop breathing for up to 30 seconds for no reason...great! And that stopping breathing when feeding because of the heart murmur is down to the stress of being hungry or over excitement, the murmur shouldn't affect relaxed breathing which has put my mind at rest.

Mrs KM thanks hun I'll have a word with my OH about the snuza, it's worth the money if it means I'm not laying awake listening all night!

Now I'll try and relax lol, thanks girls love you all xxxxxxxx
Well he's lost his pocket money til he's at least 10 for this lol
Omg! That must of been sooo scary for you!! I'm really glad hes ok though. Definitely recommend a cot death monitor, even just for peace of mind! Lacey is 1 on the 16th and i still use hers lol... might be a bit OTT but it stops me checking her every 5 mins and worrying. x x x
you must have got such a fright :hugs: monitor sounds well worth the money for a goodnights sleep. x
He's been fine since thankfully and I think my bp is back to normal. Bloomin kids lol xxxxxxx
Oh my god I've just seen this! My heart was in my mouth! Glad he's ok now!


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