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OMFG My Ex Boyfriend is such a TW@T


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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grrr, im so sorry but ib got to rant sumwhere.
Last night Leah wasnt very well, was being sick, had a rash, high temp etc and was really floppy - i was so scared that i took her straight to hopsital - quicker than calling an ambulance. On the way i tired to ring rob to tell him but he wouldnt answer my calls. Even though we split i still let him know whats going on with her etc. I tried ringing 15 times but no answer - so anyway we were up there for 4 hours, doing tests - ruling out menigitis (sp) - the doc thought that she had a virus or sun stroke - but im sure it wasnt the sun, i felt like such a bad mother when he said that. She had suntan lotion on, was drinking water all day and although she HATES her sun hat on, i kept her in the shade. Anyway i didnt know what else to do i rang his mum and she said that he'd been ignoring my phone calls cos he thought i was desperate to talk to him!!!! What a W@NKER!!! He then phoned me, n was like ur only making this up to get me to talk to u, i got upset cos id NEVER make stuff up about leah to try n get him to talk to me - its wrong to use her against him. So he didnt beileve me, n i said that i cant keep chasing after him, i tried so many times to get hold of him n he said that it if was that important i shoulda rung him house phone, i explained that i didnt have his number anymore as when he moved in with me 11 months ago, there wasnt ne need to have it (if u get me) n he didnt beileve me :(
He was soo mean,cold and harsh about it all it made me realise that actually i dont want him back, he made me feel like it was all my fault. I know i can do sooo much better than him, but it just hurts that hes not interested in leah - or only when it suits him.

Anyway, sorry for my rant
:hug: to all
personally I wouldnt bother letting him know anymore, sounds like a right tosser, maybe just let his mum know in the future if it's something serious. Your daughter dosnt need a father like that
I agree with Tuck! Why shud he know whats happenin when he questions it all n thinks ur usin it jus to talk to him!! Grade A tosser huni!! Ur soooo much better off without him!!
As Tuck said, just let his Mum kno whats happenin with her n dont bother with him!! xx
tell him to go f*ck himself Tori, might sound harsh but thats what a c*ck he sounds like!!!
can u cut off his access to Leah? I would seein as he doesnt believe the mother of his child, why should he have any rights over Leah???
hugs for u honey, pm me if u want a rant :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh hun just seen this, hope you and leah are ok? :hug: :hug:

Like iv said to you before you dont need him what an idiot is all i can say so stupid, he doesnt deserve his daughter. Did he even come down to see you or leah at all?

Hope all is ok with you and leah now, and you know where i am if you want to chat, hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks guys :hug:
well apparently, n iv been looking into it - he doesnt have many/if not any rights over leah anyway as we aint married. I thought as his name was on Birth Certificate he did, but turns out i was wrong. In order for him to have any say on Leah - medically etc i have to sign a form saying that i agree to this, and as i aint signed anything! Also if i was to die (blunt i know lol) then Leah would automatically go to my next of kin - my mum.

So really he doesnt have any rights over her, i just really dont want Leah not seeing him, as i feel bad for her - she needs her daddy (as horrible as he is to me, hes an ace daddy) and her little face lights up everytime she sees him.

Im now not txting him or sending him pic msg to tell him how she is etc. He can chase me and ring me up to see how she is. Today iv finally realised that he can go jump, hes obv got the biggest ego ever if he thinks im that desperate to talk to him - LOOOOOSER!!!!!

I hsve now finally admitted im single n am now shit scared about being a lonely spinster (sp) the rest of my life :(

Lots of Love
Tori x x x
thats great hun, im glad your putting it behind you, the way he has treated you both he like iv said doesnt deserve to be part of either of your lives.

Proud of you hun and dont worry about being alone cos you wont be for long im sure someone will snap you up otherwise they must be blind.

Anyway i loved being single when i was younger sometimes wish i still was had the freedom to do what i wanted, you still have your whole life in front of you, enjoy it.

Take care hun :hug: :hug:
Hey, it's probably too soon to suggest but isn't there a group called gingerbread, or spice? I'm not sure what they're like but I think they are for single parents - you might like it if it gives you a social circle and lots more people to meet, and you'll forget all about that there's a mean guy around. Stick to your guns hun, he's gotta earn respect and he doesn't sound like he's doing a very good job of that.

michelle x
... aww hun that must of been horrible for you :hug: how is she now tho??

what a check little *******... how dare he, why does everything have revole around him??

you should not tell him what is going on from now on... just tell his mum so at least someone from his side knows.

ah how dare he :x
awww hun what a w*nker he is!!!!!!

i mean, nobody would make something up about their child like that and he should know it!!!!

i agree with Tuck, i wouldnt bother letting him know anything anymore babes, you and Leah deserve so much better than a d*ckhead like him!!!!!

take care babes xxx :hug: xxxxx
I disagree about not tellin himabout leah if she's ill.... he mite not of wanted to answer the phone as he mite be tryin to let you get over him and seein him everyday isn't gonna help....

After all my ex has done to me i would still let him know if keeley was ill you sort of have to push your feelings to one side as its not just about you and him anymore its about leah and i think touch wood she would never be very ill but i do think he deserves the right to know whether he chooses to come or not is a different story but at least you will have on your conscience that you told him and he couldn't be bothered to come :)

As for him sayin you made the fact that leah was ill up :twisted: now that is evil i would make it very clear to him that you would never do that :D

If you ever wanna talk pm me :hug: :hug: :hug:
He doesn't deserve you hun :hug: (I would call him a name or two but he's not worth the time!) & you won't be a spinister don't worry. Just think of the fun you'll have going out on the pull *drifts off into a dream world, trying to rememebr what that's like :wink: * and the excitement of first dates, kisses etc :cheer:

If something really important comes up again, I would just send him a short text explaing the situation & leave it up to him to contact you otherwise don't bother with him.
You are well rid of him! :x
Hope Leah is all better now it must have been scary for you! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tell him to go f#ck tori, you dont beed a prick llike that about especailly if thats the way he reacts to his daughter being ill.
awwww hunny thats horrible of him to say those things dont tell him anything anymore he doesnt deserve it. :hug:
he sounds like a right little wanker!!! excuse the language. if your little girl is in need and your trying to contact the dad and his not listening to you then leave him to his own devices ( if you get what i mean) !!
you just look after your little girl, shes the important one. if he was truely interested he would of answered his phone and been up the hospital.
take care
There is a slight clause, if the father is paying benefits to you and the baby, he, by law, can have a say i.e. if you left the country, moved too far etc. But if he is paying nil, fcuk him off, you are being a good mother, looking after your child and atleast you had the heart to let him know.

If he is going to be an arse, you and your family are better off without him, believe me.

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