Olan Mills is no more!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Olan Mills Photography announces that it has ceased to trade in all locations with effect from Friday 26th December 2008.

dunno if this is already posted but for anyone who has not heard Olan mills has gone in to administration!
i am Reeeeeeeeeeeally annoyed for my birthday i got a gift voucher to have theo photos taken, i have been waiting untill he gets over him clingy phase... looks like i have waited too long. as olan mills is no more!!!

hope everyone who has gift vouchers and photos waiting to be posted is able to redeme them. there is a address on the olan mills website to write to!!!!

just thought would let you all know!
I thought that from the price of the photos I bought earlier on in the year from them, they'd have been good for at least another 5 years :lol:
We were given a voucher for Christmas too, and to hear they went into administration on Boxing day made me :(

To be honest, I can't see how a company that sells photo's for £50 or whatever when they cost nothing near it (I understand you have to factor in rent and salaries) can go under. Bad business sense? Is it because everyone has digital cameras these days, or DSLR's are so cheap?

I digress!
Our Olan Mills shut down when Aaliyah was a few months old I think...

I think pixifoto may have something to do with it? Everyone who recieves a bounty pack in hospital gets vouchers for 4 free 10'' - 12'' photo's sort of like Olan Mills watch me grow package. They are really contemporary and make the whole lot of the photos from the shoot look so amazing that you end up spending a fortune after you have had your complimentary photo. I have learned to say NO now :lol: Only one picture I have is from Olan Mills, the other 7 are from pixifoto :think:
I still have an olan mills balloon in my lounge..i got one most times i went into derby which always kept Dylan happy..never had photo's by them though my next door neighbour had the same with them a few years ago and then when thye styarted trading again voucher was invalid.
toys r us are also not accpeting there gift vouchers at some stores so if you have a voucher for anthing i would spend it asap
I had some pics by then just before xmas im just so pleased we got them back in time now as they would be lost.
I am sure Olan mills were supposed to have gone in to administration either last year or the year before but some how seemed to come back.
Yeah they went into administration Nov 2006 & we very nearly didnt get our photos but thankfully they'd already been processed, they were taken over and opened again March 2007 and they gone again...ooopss!!

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