okay what's the deal with cloth nappies...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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With all this talk of cloth nappies I thought I'd futher investigate and see if it's really worth doing, I was initially put off before having Otis as I was told it's more hassel then it's worth and by the time you've washed and dried them you've probably wasted as much energy (pollution) as you would have just getting the disposable ones :think: .
I want to find out which are the most absorbant ones and best (thinest) fitting ones, don't particularly want Otis to go around looking like he's got an extra large bum :shock: or leaking half the time. If I'm convinced and I manage to convince OH :roll: then I'll get some to start using at home, as I think I'll still keep using the disposable ones for when we go out it's just seems more practicle.
Also if one of you cloth nappy mummy's could tell me how it all works, i.e. external nappies, linnings, etc??? I'd be much obliged :hug:
Budge I've just had look at the Little lamb nappies and they seem quite good - but hey what do I know! Just one more stupid question if I don't get the disposal linners what do you moms do with th poo, hand wash the fleece liner before popping it in the washing machine? :think:
you just bung the liner and the nappy in the washer on 60 degrees and they all come up lovely!

i am very pleased with my little lambs
There was a survey done a few years ago that said that if you always washed the reuseables at 60 degrees and then tumble dried them then the environmental impact was about the same as using reuseables because of the energy you use to do those things. I didn't believe it myself and so read quite a bit of the very boring report and it did seem to be sound so when choosing our nappies we went for some that dried very very quickly as we don't have a tumble dryer anyway and what I tend to do is to put them on a cold rince cycle first (just takes 5 mins) then wash them on 40 but then maybe once a fortnight do them at 60 and that works fine as long as they haven't been hanging around for too long. I tried a couple of different kinds and went for Tots Bots Fluffles in the end because they dried the quickest of all which makes a difference when you don't tumble dry them!

My advice would be to do some research, get a few samples if you can and then see what you think and what would suit you best! Also you might not need as many as is sometimes recommended so unless you get a discount for getting lots at once try have a few to start with and then work out how many you really need (i.e how many you use a day, how long they take to wash and dry and how many washes you do). Some local Councils will give you vouchers to spend on them too- I used mine to get some sample before I bought lots more.

i dont use them because of the environment side of things :lol:

i use them to save me money i spend a bomb on them with my 2.
One more question -really to Budge but anyopne else is welcome to respond, with the Little Lambs nappies I was looking if anything at MAYBE getting £99 offer, however what I don't understand is why do they give you 10 nappies and 5 wraps (the waterproof bit), if anything I thought it would be the other way round especially as I read in one of the other treads on this topic that you can re use the nappies a couple of times...any ideas why or how or am I just not getting it???? :think:
Woohoo :dance: :dance: Rosebay thanks for mentioning the council thing, I've just checked and with my council you can claim up to £40 back!!!! Definately going to get a few samples in now!

Ladies if you could suggest your fav cloth nappies then I can test run 'em!!!! Bring 'em on :cheer: :cheer:
Cool! Get in!

My fave is Tots Bots Fluffles as I've already mentioned. I liked the Little Lamb one I tried (you can get a free sample from the website) as it fitted very nicely and is easy with the velcro but it took too long for me to dry which is a problem with no tumble dryer.

It's the wraps that you can re-use not the nappies, the wraps are like plastic pants & the nappies are just soaking up the wee inside so if the worst the wrap has on it is damp from the wee you can wipe it and let it dry and then reuse it really. I think I've got 12 nappies and 4 wraps and that does me fine.


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