ok ive brought ..........

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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some sweat potatoes , and ive got some normal veg like carrot / broc / etc

now what do i do with it ? it has to come out really smooth if ive any luck of leland eating it ! do i add his forumla ? or can i add cows milk now ( his now over 6 months corrected) and can i freeze it ? and after freezing how do you warm it up ?

for those that dont know leland is a pure jar baby and happy , but my bank balance isnt so im hoping even if i can make some of his veg purees that it will help with the cost !!!
I aways used to bake the sweet potatoes and then scoop it out and serve (sometimes mix with some creme fraiche - mmm getting hungry now). However it is fibrous so can be gloopy, so not sure if that would be any good????

Carrot and brocolli - steam and puree.Not sure about adding milk as I never did that but after 6 months they are fine to have cows milk.
Do you have a steamer Gem? If you do then I'd steam the vegetables for 20 mins or until they are soft. If you dont then you can just boil them until soft. Then, use the water you cooked with to puree to the right consistency. I now mix my veg upto get good flavours like carrot and pea together, cauliflower, brocolli and sweet potato together, carrot, sweet potato, turnip and parnsnip together. When they are at the right consistency I put them into large ice cube trrays and put them in the freezer covered with a freezer bag. The next day I pop them all out into freezer bags (2 or 3 cubes per bag). I dont use milk for the vegetables, I use the vegetable water. When it's time for lunch, i take a bag out of the freezer and put in the micro until cooked (takes approx 40-50secs).

Yesterday my dad made a separate batch of vegetables for Sunday lunch for my LO and blended it all up so I just put that into 6 little pots into the freezer and will take one out each lunchtime.

You can usually get quite a few meals out of one puree session! Warning - it gets messy!

Good luck!
I haven't ventured past jar's yet :oops: But think i might try some home made myself so let me know how it goes!
I just boil them like I would normal potatoes until just soft, I usually add carrot and grill a small fillet of chicken then use a handblender to turn it into puree. Also add whole milk to it too :)
i always steam the veg then blend it into a puree in the blender. I find sweet potato and carrot is James favourite and it doesnt need any milk cos its quite creamy anyway. :D
I boil it then puree it. It's so soft. Don't need to add milk. Angel loves it.
I just used to boil or steam until they were mashable and then mash them to whatever consistancy I wanted. You can add milk/formula to help smooth the tougher things like potato/sweet potato/ turnips etc. I would just add a little bit at a time while you're mashing till you get it right.

Then I would split it into small tupperware tubs (ASDA do some perfect small ones for quite cheap) and freeze what I wasn't using that day. When you heat it up just microwave it but be very careful to mix it up to avoid heat spots and if you need to, put it on a bigger plate/bowl than needed so it cools nicely.
Jen&James said:
i always steam the veg then blend it into a puree in the blender. I find sweet potato and carrot is James favourite and it doesnt need any milk cos its quite creamy anyway. :D

same as Jen ;)

Steam the veg, blend it then put it in the freezer in ice cube trays.

Fnlay has a cube at dinner time and some porrige. He also has his milk but less than he normally has.
I brought a jar the other day when we were out and about (I didn't realise we were going to be so long... :roll: ) I'll never make that mistake again.. I nearly had a fit when the woman in the chemist said 3€... THREE EUROS!!!! For one solitary jar of baby food... Its extortionate, considering the average wage here is around 500€ a month.. Where do they get off charging that much for baby food :shock: I went fruit and veg shopping yesterday and have enough fruit and veg for the month in terms of baby food... cost me 8€'s there's no comparison really in terms of price... :rotfl:

But I just make up sweet potato by boiling it to within an inch of its life, destroy it with a hand blender, pour into ice cube trays and freeze... :) Never bother with milk as you can only keep it for 6 weeks in the freezer compared to 3 months without the milk.. If its any other type of veg I'll steam it.. but Annabel Karmel has some nice simple recipes which don't always require boiling.... lil miss currently loves lentils :)

Downside to making your own food other than mess and time... freezer space :shakehead:
Same as everyone else - Steam then puree. To heat I stand the pot in boiling water, although I use Brothers Maxx pots that are individual and have flip lids so it's easier.
i steam put in pots and some in ice cube trays ,lo loves butternut squash and pear so u should try that one.
im now finding that his appetite is a lot bigger now so instead of using icecube trays i use portion size pots for each feed as i was using about 7 or so cubes for dinner as he has equiv of full stage 1 jar so thats a lot of ice cube trays to make also it can be a pain as i dont always have freezer space. :wall: . i normally use ice cube trays if i need a few to add to his porridge or if i am mixing a bit of fruit with veg . i would blend and blend as much as u can as i found that veg was a little lumpy as i didnt blend it enough and lo refused to eat it!!
if u need an receipes let me know as i have the annabelle karmel book which is quite good.
How did you get on Gem? Has he tried it yet? You may need to add a bit of apple/pear puree to begin with as jars tend to contain fruit to sweeten them. I read the proportions on mine the other day, broccoli, pea and pear: 79%pear!

I steam mine, puree and freeze in ice cube trays, then I mix the different things as I take them out. That way Ella gets lots of variety!

When defrosting and heating, you need to defrost then heat until piping hot and leave to cool to kill any bacteria.

I am going to freeze in larger pots when I do my next lot as Ella eats about 6 cubes each meal at the mo.

You can get the AK recipes on her website too.
weve been in hossy all day today so havent done it , but gonna give it ago tomorrow , before jarrod turns up ( am baby sitting again)

i think ill do portion sizes too as i know how much he eats but no idea how many ice cubes that would be lol

can i do this without buying a book i wonder lmao

oh and i havent got a steamer , im not one for fresh veg , we buy frozen as when dh is at work we dont often eat together so fresh goes off.
Gem & Leland said:
weve been in hossy all day today so havent done it , but gonna give it ago tomorrow , before jarrod turns up ( am baby sitting again)

i think ill do portion sizes too as i know how much he eats but no idea how many ice cubes that would be lol

can i do this without buying a book i wonder lmao

oh and i havent got a steamer , im not one for fresh veg , we buy frozen as when dh is at work we dont often eat together so fresh goes off.

you can boil the veg anyway ,im not one for fresh veg and ended up borrowing my mums steamer! you dont really need a book as you can get lots of receipe ideas from websites. another good one is sweet potato and carrot,or sweet pot,brocoli and cauliflower,or butternut squash and pear. you can just mix and match any veg and maybe add a bit of fruit puree to it to sweeten to begin with . i always have icecube trays of fruit to add to it. i havent done any meat ones yet i just use the jars at the moment for that. xx

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