ok is it just me??


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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about an hour ago my mum asked me to empty the airing cubbord which i started to do but then B started crying so i stopped that and went and sorted my son out (which wouldnt ne mummy do?) well neway he was really crying and i had no idea y so i sat in his room calming him down and trying to get him bck of to sleep, by the time i came out there were clothes laying everywhere on the floor in my room, i went down and asked my mum y clothes where all there, she laughed and sed i put them there as u couldnt help me, and then starting smirking and smiling like a kid would wen there trying to be clever, i tried to explain, that Braydon had woken so id stopped to sort him but had every intention on going bck to finishing the job and was there nething else i could do to help as she had done the airing cubold, and she just walked off singing, no one helps me i have a selfish daighter in a really sarky voice again, and is now going round slamming doors and cubbords wen i have just got B off,
is it me being silly but isnt this all really childish? as i had started and had every intention of going back surely if i was just being a pain i wouldnt have started??? and i did say id do summit else to help but she still carried on being so silly, it actually reminded me of me about 5 yrs ago
:hug: chin up hun, perhaps it's the time of the month for your mum :wink:

wow that does sound childish, can u sit down with her and explain she's upset u coz u were gonna do it n ur not selfish? she must be in a bad mood for some reason, maybe ask whats up? :hug:
try and get your own place hun, it sounds childish and unfair.
she could have something else on her mind,
it does seem rather childish
why dont you try speaking to her? :hug:
I would try talking to her hun. It does sound childish & not something a mother should do or say, a bit out of order.
You were right to see to your babies needs first rather than carry on sorting out clothes & ignore him :shock:

yeh hun it seems really childish but i would ask her whats up and try explaining again when she has calmed down and seems in a better mood. xxxxxxx
It stuff like this that reminds me I could never live at home again.

I'd move out Sarah, you've had a few problems like this haven't you? :?
It does sound childish. My mum was like that so in the end I got so fed up of it that I moved out.

Try talking to her and see if anything is wrong :hug: :hug:
you say it reminds you of how you were 5 years ago, well maybe you should react to her in the exact same way that she reacted to you back then and then she might realise how childish she is being!

Is it hard for you to move out? Theres no way I could live with my mum after having my own kids :hug:

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