OK I Need opinions please :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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OK,so last nite me and OH were doing the needful :lol: without being graphic and it was fine, but afterwards when i went to the loo i was lightly bleeding, not a lot though but still enough, so went to bed and woke up again around 3 with a little more,
Off course I lay awake for hours wondering what was wrong, so this morning there's only a teeny trace - :think: :pray:

Has this happened to anyone????
What is it ?

I'm so frightened to be honest, - but got the doppler out this morning and the heartbeat is still there and is strong !

Just needed to put this up so i could hear your opinions, I was reading up on the internet that possibly its just the cervix!

:cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm not sure what it is hun, but I have read somewhere that it is common, especially if the "needful" ( :rotfl: ) is a bit rough and ready. :hug:
hi hun i personally have never experienced this but iv also read that it is quite common for some people
sorry its not much help maybe one of the other girls can help you sending you some of these tho :hug: :hug: :hug:
Again, not experienced it myself, but heard a lot of girls mention it - it's becuase your cervix is much more delicate than normal. Unless it continues and gets worse, don't worry about it - but maybe next time try to find a position that doesn't go quite as deep to avoid contact with your cervix :oops:
Shinymac said:
I'm not sure what it is hun, but I have read somewhere that it is common, especially if the "needful" ( :rotfl: ) is a bit rough and ready. :hug:

mmmmmm rough and ready :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Maybe was you know !
Thats all entry banned now for the next 4 or 5 months :lol: :lol: :lol:
I would still contact the midwife, just to put your mind at ease and double check, but I don't think this is anything to worry about. Light bleeding after sex in pregnancy is quite common due to the increased blood supply to that erm... area :lol: As long as you're having no pain or anything you can rest easy I would say :wink:
Check with the midwife if you have any bleeding.

I know that if you have low placenta having sex can cause bleeding so i would let the midwife know just to be sure.

S x
It could be cervical erosion which is really common in pregnancy and nothing to worry about, but check with the midwife just to put your mind at rest!
There is nothing there now so it must just have been a bit of a rupture or somethin - it wouldn't have worry u though would it, and me rolling around the bed at 3 o clock this morning tossing and tumbling cause i couldn't get it out of my head - ! ! ! :wall: :shakehead: :wall: :shakehead:

Thanks girls for all your replies anyhow....xx

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