OH's sister has struck again!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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NOTE - I want to apologise for this rant but I can't keep this in or I will go mental!

Why can't this stupid woman just leave us alone?! For months she has been sending my OH emails and bebo comments about me. I know she hates me, his family knows she hates me, everyone on his bloody bebo knows she hates me so why is she carrying on with this?

I am getting fed up of it, I really am. She was okay-ish with me and then I get pregnant and she turned into full bitch mode! She is 30 and has 2 children, why is she being so childish?

For people who aren't aware of it, she threatened to 'bring me down a peg or two... baby or no baby' this summer when she visits Scotland to ditch her kids off. She will be up early august and I am due 22nd july so I will either be overdue or just given birth and she makes a threat like that.

I suffer from depression and anxiety due to being sexually abused by my grandfather as a child. Last year I went on my first night out with my friends EVER (I am 24 so that was a big step for me) and then I went to see Take That 2 days later with my mum and her friend. When she found out about it she kicked off saying that I am lying about being depressed as I am out partying 24/7! 2 nights out in 24 years and I am a party animal!! :rotfl:

I am just glad she lives in London and not near us. It would make this situation much worse! I wish she'd stop, we both have enough stress at the moment without her childish emails adding to it.
ignore her. that's the only way. cut her out of your life- she's not your sister so you don't need the drama she brings.

Have a Hug :hug:
i never knew people with depression couldnt go outside? What a weird women :shock: :hug: :hug: :hug: If i were you id get your OH to sort her out :hug: Block her on bebo for a start.
She sounds like a childish kid and when she has spare time on her hands she just likes to wind you and OH up by being a pathetic bitch.

I have no time for Drama Queens like her and if i was you i would delete any form of contact with her and if OH doesn't feel like he can do that, just tell him when she does get in touch acting the idiot that you don't want to know about it or be told as it will only make you stressed.

Good Luck with her she sounds crackers.
What? You went out, oh the shame of it all! (Joking) first of all well done for taking a big step and getting out the house, Secondly I think they come out the wood work when you are in a happy place (We have had threats from my Hubby brother and his mother) I have come to the conclusion that they are not happy people and have "Issues" Just ignore her, best thing is don't play into her hands (We fell for it and realise you cannot reason with stupidity!) You are doing brill. :hug:
Awww Joann! Sorry you're having a tough time of it with that skank bag.
I think your OH and his family need to be cruel to be kind to be honest. For example, if my OH was being treated like that by my brother/sister, I'd have a very stern word with them and if nothing changes, I think I'd have to re-consider our relationship (me & sibling, not me & OH).

Sounds like a tricky one though hun... But I do think your OH needs to take more of an active role in helping the situation like blocking her posts on bebo...

On the other hand, I think I'd be inclined to contact her (by phone probably) to say that I have nothing against her, not sure what she has against me but as there will be a neice/nephew on the way, that I think it appropriate to stop the childish threats and be adults!!

Why can't some people push their problems aside for the sake of others?! :wall: Grrrrr - stupid biaaaatch!

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