oh the pain


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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had constant backache for a bout 4 hours and getting rele wierd crampy twisting pains in my belly...and sum pink stuff been running out of my Foof all evening :? its not blood its like pink wee but its not wee lool confusing i no :rotfl: i feel rele hot aswell... i dunno if this is jst me getting ill with a belly ache or if its IT... im gunna get myself to bed in a minute (if i can sleep witch i doubt :( ) well we all no wat im hoping it is lool... dont worry if im nto here early i never am LOL im to lazy for that :rotfl: just thought id let u all no in advance that im feeling like sh*t n in quite sum pain :( :cry:
hoping you ok. I know you want bubba now, so for your sake i hope he's here lol
I hope you're either feeling better or having your baby!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
didnt get much sleep :( still got back pains n random cramps but they aint close together :( im asuming now it cant be belly ache as i wasnt sick or had bad diarria(sp) (TMI) im guna call my L/W later on fi it aint gone away or it gets worse... but nothing else to report :cry: lool ill keep this thread open so if anything happens i can put it in here... but knowing my luck this thread will eb here for weeks :rotfl: :evil:
Awww :hug: It may be your body gearing up, I've had bad backache on and off in the last few days and bad cramps, yesterday I was having pains every 15 mins from about 5pm-7pm but they stopped after I went to Tescos, now it's back to random cramps :wall: Well frustrating!
I've been having the same for the last week or so too :roll: :roll: I think Harrison is just a big tease :(

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