Oh the discomfort......


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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My wee man has been slowly weaning himself off boob for a couple of months. He still feeds every 3 or so hours during the night, but through the day he has really cut down, maybe only have 5 mins 2 or 3 times. I'm blw and he has been increasing the amount of food he's been eating which is great and I'm happy for him to wean himself.

Today he was having none of it!!! He went over 13 hours without any milk. I even tried offering it to him but he was pushing me away and would start to grumble about it. (He still had breakfast, lunch, tea and plenty of water)

By 7pm tonight I was fit to burst!!! My boobs were huge and was quite uncomfortable. I ended up expressing some this afternoon just to relieve the discomfort. I have never looked forward to his night feed so much before :lol: He really enjoys his sleep feed and all I can say is thank god he wanted it this evening as I don't know what I would have done lol.

Has anyone else had this, where their lo has gone that long without milk. I have read where they can start to wean properly around 9/10 months so maybe that's what he's doing. I'm not concerned about it as I know he's eating well, but my goodness how are my boobies going to cope :rofl:
I haven't yet. The most I've gone without giving her a feed is about 5 hours and OMG I was sooo uncomfy! My boobs were rock solid and the milk was coming out of me like a fountain lol. Im absolutely dreading weaning her off the breast :shock:
Mine were solid too, my bra looked about two sizes to small :wall2:

Not looking forward to it happening again, weaning has been such a gradual process before today so hadn't really noticed any discomfort. I suppose there's not much I can do and expressing isn't really the way forward in the long term. But I would rather him wean himself off boob than me do it, so I'll just go with the (uncomfortable) flow lol
We're going through this a bit now, i put another post up similar but what to give to drink as he's so busy and distracted just now. He still the same at night, every 2-3 hours 4 on a good night but daytime is tough. My boobs are the same by 4pm ready to burst then he has a feed and messes about so its shooting out every where lol! Hopefully our bodies will regulate soon!
It happened when I was up my mums the other day and she nearly wet herself laughing! She couldn't believe how much the milk was spraying it didn't look real lol I hate being engorged its horrible. Once LO's are completely off the breast how long roughly does it take for the milk to dry up?
I have just noticed I have a big wet patch! How embarrassing, I've been out as well!
That happened to me yesterday too Sarah!! I must check out your thread on this too!!

I've just been doing some research (on kellymom) and it seems true weaning before 12 months is uncommon. The fact that he didn't want to feed on me yesterday could be because there was too much else going on and feeding would be boring (my parents are over and we were out all day yesterday) There are some ideas on kellymom on how to get a 'busy' baby to feed.

Tillzy I think it varies for each woman but if you stop feeding abruptly it's going to hurt a lot more than doing it gradually. I think it could be anything from weeks to months for your milk to dry up completely but the pain will subside within about a week or so.

I'm definitely going to try and do it gradually. He has cut down slowly recently and it's not hurt me or made me engorged (apart from yesterday). I'm going to keep offering him boob, he seems to prefer doing it lying down that on my knee (I think it's because he's quite a big baby so it's not always comfortable for him) I want to keep going to at least a year, maybe longer. He's had a couple of short feeds today, my boobies are slightly bigger than normal but not in any pain like yesterday which is good.
Ill need to check up on Kelly mom too. I plan to bf for a year as well if Kynon wants to!

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