OH pissed me off!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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aarrrggghhh just need to off load

OH pissing me off big time, our lodger finally moved out, even though my son had to pack all the lodgers stuff in boxes and clean the room!! my 16 year old son moved in to the room on saturday.

Anyway i went to check the heating was working and put a towel in my sons wash basket which was on the radiator, basket was full but not over flowing, his room was very clen and tidy even made his bed which is a big acheivement for him as being 16 he can be a slob at times!! lol

i then had a bath and OH came into the bathroom the sons wash basket which was empty and told me baby could have the basket as my son had put wet towels in it on top of his clothes and it was too full!!!

i didnt say anything, but when i got out the bath i looked in my sons room and my OH had emptied the wash basket of dirty clothes onto my sons bed, i was livid i asked him why and he said coz it was full!! i said why didnt you just ask him to take it downstairs to the utility room and where did he expect dirty clothes to be put?, i said now hed done that and taken the basket off him my son would probably think well ill just leave my dirty clothes on the floor.

i just cant get my head round the fact my son has kept the room spotless put his dirty clothes in the wash basket, he does his own washing too, and my OH thinks its ok to empty it on the bed because its full!!

sorry just needed to get that off my chest as if i havent got more important things to think about lol xxx
Men don't get it do they! Go empty it on his side of the bed next time!
Oh is just hard on my son coz hes male! the girls he treats really soft.

and im having a boy!!!
Teach them to be hard on him back! lo. My OH has got on my nerves today he's buggared off to work and left the house a total tip and he knows I'm struggling now! Don't get me wrong I'm happy to do most of it while I'm on Mat Leave and he's working but it really is like cleaning up after a teenager!

Men, eh!!!

Hope your feeling a bit better now :hugs:
thanks ladies now ive had a moan i feel better, my last day at work tomorrow so at least i can relax at home and potter about cleaning.

Rach - my OH is the other way hes got OCD lol and is always moaning about the kids leaving things out, yet everyone else thinks my kids are really clean and tidy!! so whos in wrong???

Ive just asked OH if i can borrow his car as its bigger than mine so i can move some stuff out of storage and take it to the tip, all i got was yeah ok, no offers of help so looks like im doing it with my son again on our own!!!
Kids will be kids and they'll always make a bit of mess. Sounds like you have good kids that tidy up after themselves and are helpful though :) x
Sounds to me like your son is trying harder than your OH! I'd have a chat with your oh about keeping the older kids a priority with a new one on the way and not making them feel pushed out, that might help?
thanks think anything will help at the moment, when i stick up my son as i did last night saying that at least the clothes were put in the wash basket and not all over his bedroom floor OH just says, oh mummy to the rescue again!!!

to me its petty what he did and not giving my son the right signals, he has a wash basket for dirty clothes he uses it for dirty clothes result the dirty clothes get chucked on his bed!!!
omg was he like that before you got preg aswell? you know how you were saying in my post that hes got kids too, does he have any boys? and if he does does he treat them the same way as your son? also with the ocd, does he help around the house at all or expect you and your kids to do everything? god! what is it with men today grrr xxx
MEN, he needs to get a grip chick x
lol he hasnt any boys and never wanted boys as thinks their worse than girls, when i disagree he argues with me yet how can he when he has no boys??? Until i have this LO who is a boy!!!

he does help round the house he is extremly tidy and clean hence OCD, but to me my kids are normal teenagers, he has only ever really lived with my kids as left his when they were very young so has no experience of what bringing kids up on a full time basis is like, hes a part time dad to his and always goes on about there no trouble, well me and my sister were never any trouble when we went to my dads but we were hell fire at home and horrible to my mum at times.

to be fair he is a lovely person who would help anyone but its just with my son and this is where we clash lol

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