Oh no :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I'm in bad pain with one of my wisdom teeth so I've got to see the emergency dentist and I am proper bricking it :( I hate them more than anything! :cry:
Sending you lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'd be bricking it too
hun ul be fine and ul have pain free teeth at the end of it! :hug: :hug:
Don't worry... I had mine removed last year... and it wasn't that bad... :) :hug: I only had the numbing injection and was awake the whole time... However if you speak to my DH who was "dying" when he had his removed, he'll tell you different... but that's a man for you... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Did they do it at the normal dentist? Most people I know have had their wisdom teeth removed at the hospital and were put under. I hope they can just take it out and have done with it!
I was at the dentist this morning for my check up and mentioned to him that both my bottom wisdom teeth are hurting. Turns out that they are coming through again. Didn't need anything done.

I hope it is the same for you or at the worst maybe it's just a filling that is needed or a wee abscess.

Let us know how you get on. xxx
I am exactly the same as you, I passed out once and that was only for the xray!!

I always take along my dh who has a very calming way about him, so I dont feel quiet as anxious.

I always tell the dentist how bad I feel as well, most are used to patients like us and will do whatever they can to reassure.

I havent had my wisdom teeth taken out, so I dont know how that feels, just try to bear in mind that you will be pain free after.

Hope it goes well for you :hug:
I think they are maybe pushing through some more but it looks like there isn't enough room so could be growing too far back and that's why it hurts which means it will need to come out. Hoping it is just growing and they tell me it's all fine. I want to be in and out in about 10 seconds :lol:
good luck hun, i had 2 wisdom teeth removed at the hospital under a general anaethestic because of re occuring infection.
i think if needed the dentsit will remove 1 at the dentists, but any more than that normally would be done at the hosp.

it may just hurt as its coming through though, hope its just that, but if not just get it whipped out hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
There must be a wisdom teeth thing going round at the moment - you're the 3rd person who has mentioned wisdom teeth problems recently. A friend of mine is having hers out shortly because, although they don't hurt, they're infected.
It was an infection which was caused by it pushing through so am on tablets to get rid of it. She said it looks like it has enough room to come through but if it keeps happening they'll take it out. It still hurts a bit but no where near as bad so that's good! Thanks for your support girls, made me feel a ton better before I went in! :D

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