Oh no, stupid me! Stilton!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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I have just been stupid and ate a stilton baguette for lunch. And only afterwards i though, oh no, i'm not supposed to eat stilton!!! :shock:

Do you think it will be okay, i just completely forgot!! :oops:

You'll be fine hun. They only advice you not to eat blue cheeses in case you catch Listeria from it as this can be dangerous to LO. But I've never known anyone, pregnant or not, to ever catch Listeria. Have you?
Good, there are so many things you are told not to eat and i've nver actually heard any stories of them actually causing harm to people / bumps.

But i feel like a bit of a div for forgetting!

But man it was a nice baguette, i do love stilton!

Hope you enjoyed it :D

There are so many things they tell us not to eat, i'm surprised we're eating at all :wall:

I'd kill for a runny egg buttie, Mmmmmmm.
oldermum said:
I'd kill for a runny egg buttie, Mmmmmmm.

I craved runny poached egg on toast when I was pg with Kayleigh, and no-one told me it was wrong so I lived on it for 4 weeks!!! :shock:
At first i wanted carrotts, now i have a thing for meatballs lol
i keep craving fruit juice, which is good. And coca cola, not so good!

And KFC, oh dear!

I made some cakes the other day with Josh and afterwards we got a spoon each and scraped the bowl clean (as we always do lol) then yesterday I realised Id eaten raw eggs in the mixture :shock:

Never mind, Im not the first and I wont be the last!! :)
ooh, I hope you enjoyed the baguette - am jeslous!! (my nanna calls them bagwets - how cute!!!)
Hi Laura, :rotfl:
Don't worry about the odd wee slip, It's not often we get food poison, when we are not PG, so there should be less chance again if we are being careful whilst carring precious cargo! *We as Fully grown people can get a wee crampy tummy and maybe sickness but our bumps are unable to handle bacteria the same, (i was just unlucky :(- Also told the odds were too high to calculate.)
I'd watch the other things aswell though... No RAW EGGS please, Samonella has still been found in eggs... Other things to avoid are listed on the Food Standers Agency http://www.eatwell.gov.uk/agesandstages ... rpregnant/

I am glad you enjoyed your bagette, Yummy :wink: you take care Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry about it as you can't change it and you will only stress yourself out. Just think back to say 40 years ago when you could eat whatever you wanted. Just don't eat any more.

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