Oh no! SPD has arrived!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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I can't believe its come back :(

I was warned by the midwife that i was likely to get it again with this pregnancy but thought i wouldn't for some reason! Its started much earlier than last time and my inner thighs hurt sooo much when i walk! Oh how fun the next few months are going to be! :wall:
Sorry to hear this hun, hope it doesnt get to painful for you :pray: I wanna give you a hug :hug:
You poor thing!!!!!! Hope you are able to try and take it easy! x
I was getting this from about 14 weeks but now the baby has moved up a bit in my abdomen it has eased a little I am sure it will worsen again as the weight and size grow but I hope you get a few weeks of easing off too :hug:
Really feel for ya hun. I had this real bad in my 2nd pregnancy and had to have physio after DD was born.

It started coming back early in my 3rd pregnancy but I went to a back pain clinic at my local hospital (doctor's referral) and some of the techniques they talked about, positioning and support etc, really helped and although I still had bad points, it wasn't as bad as before.

I've had a few twinges this time round but have tried to avoid things I know make it worse and so far so good :pray:

Did you have a support belt or anything before? Or any professional advice on how to cope? Get in the system as early as you can cos referrals can take a while.

Hope you don't suffer too bad. It's hard to rest up and not overdo it when you have other kids needing you. :hug:
i dont know if its SPD or not as i have has probelms since about 8 weeks (Dr said it could be tho did start early) but can totally empathise as in so much pain! seeing physio for assessment on monday
awww hun, really sorry 2 hear this :hug:

Im praying I dont get it back :(
I have this too, it's such a pain. I got a referral for physio and she gave me a belt (which helped) and told me to try putting a slippy sheet or sleeping bad on the bed to help moving in bed. Well I think it worked wonders for me so it might be worth giving it a go!
Last time i had some physio, I am seeing my midwife on thursday so i am going to ask to be referred straight away.
I used to get 'stuck' on my side in bed and hubby would have to help me roll over :rotfl: haha i was a bit like a beached whale!

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