oh no not again...


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2008
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When I went to the loo the morning and wiped (sorry this will be TMI overload!!) there was a big blob of blood stained mucus and some very dark almost black blood - I know black means old and I have had a similar thing 6 weeks ago, 10 weeks ago and 14 weeks ago. I don't know what to do really, last time I had this I just went to see a MW at the hospital who listened to baby's HB and that was it - I've listened to baby's HB myself this morning already and felt it moving around so I don't really see the point of going and waiting ages at the hospital for the same thing. I'm thinking I'll just rest up and keep an eye on it - anyone else had the same?
sorry to hear this hun, if your at all worried i would contact the midwife again, hope everything goes ok :hug: :hug:
Aww hun, I know how worried you must be now. It happened to me three weeks ago on Saturday night. I didn't bother calling my m/w as she would only listen to HB which I did at home with my doppler. I went to the Maternal Assessment Unit at my hospital where they listened to HB, took blood, urine and internal swipe to see if I had any infection. I had a private scan few days before this happened and they found out that I had a low lying placenta. As soon as I mentioned it to the doctor at the MAU, he said that that must be the cause as it's quite common to have spotting. I was told to bed rest for few days and avoid lifting anything heavy or having sex.
If you are worried, go down to the hospital to make sure everything is ok. Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks peeps! Good to know I am not the only one! I rang the hospital who said to rest and call if it gets any worse, so going to spend the afternoon on the sofa I think!
This is going back to when I had my first baby who is now 7 years old.With him I bled at 7 weeks, 11 weeks and 14 weeks .I went for a scan at the 11 week bleed and everything was fine.They said it could have just been a blood clot but didn't really know.I admit when I bled at 14 weeks I didn't bother to contact the midwife but when I told her about it later she said I should have called her to get it checked out.
i bled constantly for the first 12-13 weeks but it soon stopped after that.

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