Oh no, not again!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Poor Leorah is reactting to something in my diet again :( I have been so careful not to eat anything with milk/soy/nuts that I am worried she is developing a new intolerance so I am back on the elimination diet eating just rice, turkey and courgettes again :roll:

I have had a sneaky feeling something was up but put it down to her recovering from a cold but she is waking up crying and cannot get into a deep sleep, she's spitting up after every feed, has a poo after every feed, cannot lie down on her tummy or back and her tummy sounds like a boiling cauldren at night and draws her knees up. She also has a facial rash and dry patches. All these symptons are the same as before I cut milk and soy from my diet but not as bad, I'm so upset for her and dreading weaning now, I just don't understand why she's so sensitive to these things as I have never had any food problems though I guess my DH has mild ones. I just hope that I have been eating something with hidden dairy/soy/nuts and its not another food she cannot eat. It will just break my heart if she grows up never being able to eat icecream or have a biscuit at nursery with the other kids :cry:
Poor Leorah :( It must be torture for you Katt. :hug:

Its possible that something had a hidden ingredient, food labeling still isnt as good as it should be.

Have you heard of this group www.kidswithfoodallergies.org I have a friend who's little boy has bad food allergies, she said that group helped her a lot.

I hope Leorah is her normal self again soon hun.
poor little girly!


i hope she feels better soon hun!
:hug: oh poor Thea and poor you Katt must get hard sometimes
Oh hun, poor Leorah and poor you.

What a nightmare it all is.

I really hope she grows out of it and I hope she feels better soon.

:hug: :hug: xx
Noooo! What a nightmare, oh dear Katt I truely hope it isn't something new and maybe just some dairy or soya hidden in something you ate. I don't now how you do it cause I can't stick to any diet other then junk food!!!!
I hope Leorah starts feeling better soon. Also re weaning you may find that it could be easier, think it maybe easier to control her diet for example at the mo Otis is getting mash potato plus one veg, and then some fruit so you don't need to check what's in it as it is only veg and fruit plus a bit of BM - no labels to read! Hopefully by the time you start feeding her what you eat she may have out grown these allergies :pray:
Thanks for your support :hug:

Mel I do go on a few MSPI sites but I will also check that link out, thanks :)

Leorah seems better, she slept from 6.30pm until 2.30am when she did a poo so my DH changed her and put her back to bed and then she woke at 5am for a feed and then come 6am she was full of beans chatting away very loudly :roll:

I have been really upset about this episode as I was really hoping she may already be growing out of it. I have given it a lot of thought and I think it must be something hidden as i have eaten things from tins and packets this week whereas I usually avoid that as labelling here is really crap!

When it comes to weaning she is not having anything from a packet unless I know exactly what's in it. I was looking at the Organix finger food range on the website and all their diary and soy free food is made in very careful conditions where everything is hosed down and they have never heard of an episode of cross contamination so if I buy anything ready made it will be in the UK and only Organix.

I am on my rice and chicken diet for at least a few days while her tummy recovers. Daggers I can't diet for myself either but it is a totally different story if it's for Leorah and you would all be the same if you were doing it for your babbas!

Fingers crossed she grows out of it :pray:
pheww! I'm glad to hear that Leorah is back to her normal self this morning. I know what you mean re dieting not for yourself but for your LO, yes I'd most likely have done the same. But still it can't be easy for you hun, I do hope Leorah grows out of this soon. Maybe with the introduction of other foods it may strenthen her digestive system?? Makes sense???
oh Katt poor leorah it must break your heart, poor l;ittle mite. but im glad it just seems as if it may have been a hidden ingrediant.
will leorah ever grow out of her intolerances hun?
Hello my friends and thank you all for caring :hug:

I have been doing loads more research on intolernaces in babies yesterday and I found out some new things like canned fish (whuich I eat a lot of) and deli meats often contain milk :shock: Also that it is advisable to delay weaning as long as possible while baby can thrive on breastmilk. I plan to keep sitting her at the table for meals but I will not offer her solids until she starts to reach for them herself and takes an intrest i the actual food. I am definitely not giving her anything from a packet!

As for outgrowing the intolerances I keep reading differnet things like 6 months (obviously not for L) 1 year, 2 years and 4 years, so who knows. I am going to be very careful until a year as this time is crucial. If a child is overly exposed to something they are intolerant of it can turn into a full blown allergy which is much more dangerous. I also read some research that suggested that early births and antibiotics like when used at a section are a familiar theme with babies with MSPI.

Anyway on the bright side Leorah is much better, we are having some very dodgy nappies but that's probably just a clear out. The symptons could last another week yet depending on how much she is effected. I feel terrible now that I twice put her on her tummy while she was screaming thinking she was just having a tantrum :oops: No wonder she mustered the strength to roll over and got really angry with me, oops! Now she is better she is playing on her tummy for up to 15 mins fine and rolls to her side again. Only prob now is the dreaded teething is starting again, it seems to be her side teeth this time but I have ordered some of those magic new era pills, hope they come quick :lol:
Poor little honey, she's been having it rough :hug:

Milk in canned fish.......who'd have thought that!?!

I can't offer any advice sweetie, but i'm chucking loads of support & hugs your way. It must be really tough for you as well as our resident Diva, so bigs :hug: :hug: for you too Katt xxxx
Thanks Em :hug:

Wow your pregnancy is flying by! I can't believe you are nearly in the 2nd tri :shock:

How have you been and are you nicely settled in your new home?

Hugs to you and Katy from me and Leorah :hug: :hug: :hug:

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